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Rare Books

Rare books

At Possum Creek / William Sylvester Walker (Coo-ee)


Examples include:

  • 'History of Australasia' by David Blair printed in 1878. This large book was written with the intention of providing the first one-volume history of Australasia.
  • The Mulfuzat Timury ; or Autobiographical memoirs of the Moghul Emperor Timur written in the Jagtay Turky language, turned into Persian by Abu Talib Hussyny / and translated into English by Major Charles Stewart.

Guidelines for inclusion

  • printed before 1850
  • Australian imprints before 1920
  • limited editions of 500 copies or fewer
  • signed or association copies if the person has special historical or local significance
  • auction catalogues for book and art Australiana
  • books whose market value exceeds ten times the current average price per volume.

Exploring the collection

Little Mother Meg / Ethel Turner (1902)

Melbourne campus.


·     Rare Books are mostly available for use in the Library only and must be read in the Special Collections reading area under "Special Collections Conditions of Use" rules.

For access to these items, please ask library staff in the Help Zone on Level 1.


Use Library search to search by subject, author, title or keyword.