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Searching Factiva

  • Type the name of the film or book. If the film has a common name add additional details, either the word `film', 'book" or the name of the Author, director or producer i.e. Australia and Baz Luhrmann. Use connectors (AND, OR) to join the parts of the search.
  • You may need to change the date range, the default is three months. If not, you will retrieve reviews from when the film was released on video or DVD and also reviews of every television screening.
  • If you want to search for reviews in International and Australian newspapers select "Group: Aust News-Major papers"

Limiting your results to feature articles  

  • Getting too many results? Try limiting by word count. This helps remove brief articles and is useful for finding detailed reviews or feature articles.
  • How? Add the word count code:  wc can be used with an = sign, or with the less than < or greater than > operators.  Example: australia and baz luhrmann and wc>800 

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