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Critical appraisal & statistics

Find critical appraisal tools and learn how to find statistics & calculate results.

What is critical appraisal?

Critical appraisal involves critically examining a study to determine its validity, reliability and relevance. It is an important and essential part of the Evidence Based Practice 5 step process. For a more comprehensive overview refer to the Critical appraisal for health guide.

It is useful to ask the following three questions when conducting an appraisal:

  1. Are the results of the study valid?
  2. Are the results of the study reliable?
  3. Are the results applicable to my situation? (Saewert & Hagler, 2015).

There are many different appraisal tools that can be used depending on the type of study. See below for some examples.

Critical appraisal tools & guides

While you're the only one who can determine if an article is relevant to your research question, these scales, checklists, and review tools can help you decided if the research is internally valid, the results interpretable, and how applicable the results are to your work.

Learn how to interpret results

Statistics corner by Terry Shaneyfelt (YouTube)


Statistical software