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Australian literature resources

There are lots of different publications in Informit and it is not always easy to distinguish between them at first glance.

There are peer reviewed journal articles and books which could be useful secondary sources to help you find research and contextual information, and there are Australian news and media archives, political publications, literary, arts, culture, industry and trade publications – which could all be useful primary sources about particular events or from a particular time and place as they go back quite far. Alternatively, they could be used as secondary sources if they are more recent and you need more contextual information than journal articles and books provide.

The types of publications include:

  • Peer reviewed journal articles (e.g. Oral History Australia Journal, Aboriginal History, Gay and Lesbian Law Journal, Lilith: A Feminist History Journal)
  • EBooks (e.g. including many published by Aboriginal Studies Press)
  • Australian news and media archives
  • Government and legal publications
  • Political publications (e.g. Green Left Weekly, Socialist Alternatives)
  • Literary, arts and culture publications, including poetry (e.g. Overland, The Lifted Brow, Kill your darlings) 
  • Australian industry and trade publications

You need to click on the title of an article to view the complete record, find out more about the publication (particularly whether or not it was peer reviewed), and access the full text.

You can also browse publications by alphabetical order, select one of them, and browse by year or search within it. 

International literature sources