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Search tips and tools

Google search tools

Here is a list of some of the tools you can use to search Google more effectively.
Tool Command Example
"" Phrase searching
Use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase.

"global warming"

"renewable energy targets"


Exclude words
Put a minus sign in front of the term you want excluded from a search.

bullying -cyber
Find items on bullying but not cyber bullying.
* Whole word wildcard
Searches for a missing word or phrase in a search.
child* = children, childhood
.. Range search
number..number  will search for a range of numbers.

laptop $500..$1000
Find laptops priced between $500 and $1000.

OR Multiple words
To search for web pages that include either word. OR must be in uppercase.
Olympic games 2012 OR 2016
Find pages on Olympic games held in either 2012 or in 2016.
~ Similar words
Using the tilde symbol will search for a word and its synonyms.
~mobile phone will also search for cell phone.
~family violence will also search for domestic violence.
Site: Site or domain specific
The search is only for certain websites.
"cyber bullying"  
Search for cyber bullying only Australian education sites.
Search only Australian government sites.
Site: Search within one website
Search the Vision Australia website for any material on accessibility.
define Find meanings or definitions
This command may be used with or without the colon.
Define  restrict results to the definition.
Define: will show definitions and also find related relevant pages.
define physiotherapy - will show definitions.
Use the colon after define will show definitions and related pages.
allintitle: Web page title
Search results will include all of your search terms in the title of the web page.
allintitle:ethics values business
Pages with all three words in the title will be in the search result.

Search in title
Search for a single word or phrase in the title of the search result.

centrelink intitle:debt
Find information on the Centrelink debt issue.

Search file type
Search for a specific file type such as pdf or spreadsheet.

wound care filetype:pdf
Find documents on wound care in a pdf format.

Google advanced search

Country domains