Knowledge quiz
Knowledge quiz
1. When our tissues are forcibly squashed or stretched (high supra-threshold stimulation) electrical impulses are triggered in specialised afferent nerves? These are conventionally called:
2. Pain can come from the shoulder:
3. Only the assessing clinician can judge if someone has real pain:
4. Second-order neurones projecting from Lamina I are commonly called:
5. The medial nociceptive system (inc. medial thalamic nuclei) can be described as:
6. The best indication that a person is in pain is:
7. Analgesics and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) are similar in that they do not target the injured tissue but attempt to interfere with the nociceptive system:
8. Normalisation of the representation of a body part in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) can reduce pain. This can be achieved by: