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Further information about JoVE - including how to access, licensing and resource information, linking and embedding, clips and playlists, and where to find help.

Journal of Visualized Experiments

Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE)

JoVE is a peer reviewed journal that publishes scientific research in a video format.  JoVE's streaming videos illustrate scientific experiments and methodology in biological research and chemistry.

We have access to the following sections -

Science: Behaviour, Environment, Bioengineering, Developmental Biology, Immunology and Infection, Biology, Engineering, Medicine, and Neuroscience.

Science Education: Developmental Biology, Basic Biology I and II, Basic methods in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Analytical Chemistry, General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry

Using JoVE

The JoVE video player is in HTML5 format. 

JoVE provides an 'embed code' for each video that you can use to embed the video in the LMS.

In the embed code, change scrolling="no" to scrolling="yes". This will enable La Trobe users to view the authentication page and log in.

Clips and playlists are not available.