Adding records
Adding records to EndNote
Exporting references from databases
Using the direct export function in a database saves time because relevant information is automatically populated into the reference fields in your library.
There are four basic steps to export references:
1. Run a search in a database
2. Select (or mark) the reference/s you want to add to your library
3. Select the export, download or save records option in the database and choose the appropriate EndNote option. You may also be able to specify the content you want included (e.g., citation, abstract, reference list, etc.)
4. Click on the downloaded file and the reference will be automatically added to your library. Check that it is formatted correctly by selecting the style in the drop-down menu and checking it in the Summary tab on the side panel.
Exporting records from Library search
1. Enter your search terms in the search window on the Library's home page.
2. When you find a resource you want to include in your EndNote library, click the double-quote as shown below:
3. Click the EndNote Desktop (RIS) option.
4. Click the Download button (you may need to scroll down).
5. Click on the downloaded file that appears at the bottom of the browser window. The reference will automatically be added to your EndNote desktop library.
Always check your reference to ensure it is accurate, and make corrections as needed.
Records are entered manually when they are not available from databases.
To enter a record:
1. From the top menu select References > New Reference.
EndNote reference management software, Clarivate Analytics, Version 20, 2020.
2. Select an appropriate reference type. The reference type determines the fields available for data entry.
EndNote reference management software, Clarivate Analytics, Version 20, 2020.
3. Enter information in the fields required for your referencing style. Fields not required can be left blank.
4. Click the Save button to save. Close the reference by clicking on the 'x' in the top right corner.
EndNote reference management software, Clarivate Analytics, Version 20, 2020.
5. Preview the record by selecting the appropriate style and clicking the Up arrow (circled in red). Make sure you are in the Summary for this reference, instead of Edit.
EndNote reference management software, Clarivate Analytics, Version 20, 2020.
Author names
- Authors can be entered either first-and-middle name and then last (family) name (e.g., Carol J Adams); or they can be entered last name, comma, first-and-middle name (e.g., Smith, John Robert).
- Be consistent with the format of names used more than once.
- Corporate authors (e.g., organisations) are entered with a comma at the end of the name (e.g., La Trobe University,). If the organisation's name has a comma in it, you must put a double comma where the comma is in the name (e.g., Department of Education,, Employment and Workplace Relations). You do not need a comma at the end of the name like in the first example, only the double comma if the name has a comma in the name.
- For multiple authors, each author must be on a separate line:
EndNote reference management software, Clarivate Analytics, Version 20, 2020.
- Enter a four digit year of publication (e.g., 2021)
- You can also enter text such as "in press' or "unpublished"
- Enter journal names in full - do not use abbreviations
- Do not add full stops or other punctuation at the end of titles
- Use capitalisation required by the bibliographic style. For example, initial words of titles and sub-titles are capitalised in APA style (e.g., Help-seeking and achievement orientation: Perspectives from attribution)
Place Published
- Enter the place the item was published, e.g., Chicago, Ill (some styles require an abbreviation of the state)
- Page numbering can be entered as a full range (e.g., 1165-1169) or truncated (e.g., 1165-9). EndNote will format the numbering according to the bibliographic style.
The following table contains a list of the minimum fields required for displaying a complete reference in most styles, but you must check with your own style requirements.
Book | Author, Title, Year, Publisher, City, Edition (if not the first) |
Journal article | Author, Title, Year, Journal Title, Volume, Issue, Pages, DOI (if applicable) |
Electronic article | Author, Title, Year, Journal Title, Volume, Issue, Pages, DOI (if applicable), Date accessed, URL (or Database name) |
Electronic book | Author, Title, Year, Publisher, Date accessed, URL (or Database name) |
Web page | Author (or site producer), Title (of site), Year (of publication or last update), Date accessed, URL |