BibTeX export / import
Exporting research outputs from My Publications (BibTeX)
- In My Publications, go to your Publications list (Menu --> Manage --> Publications)
- For non-traditional research outputs (NTROs), the only fields which will display in ARC RMS are author(s), title, year, volume, pagination and notes. Make sure you copy any other information that you want to be included in ARC to the Note field before exporting any data from My Publications.
- Apply an appropriate filter so that only publications that you want to import into ARC RMS are displayed
- Click on "Export" (top of list)
- Select "Export to BibTeX"
- Save the BibTeX file to your local Computer - remember to take note of the location!
- For Firefox, select "Save File" in the pop-up box and save to a location of your choice.
- For Google Chrome, right-click on the file name in the bottom left-hand corner of your screeh and select "Show in folder" to view the location of the file. The default location is the downloads folder.
- For Microsoft Edge, select "Save" in the pop-box, then select "Open folder" to view the location of your file. The default location is the downloads folder.
Importing your BibTeX file into ARC RMS
- Log into your ARC RMS account
- Click on "Research Outputs" (bottom of page)
- Click on "Import BibTeX" (top of list)
- Click on "Browse" to find the BibTeX file on your local computer (probably the downloads folder if using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge)
- Highlight the BibTeX file and click on "Open"
- Click on "Import" and select "OK"
- Click on "Manage Research Outputs" to view your imported publications in a user-friendly format
Notes and limitations (BibTeX import)
Only records created in RMS can be edited. Auto-populated records (i.e. those records imported using BibTeX, DOI or ORCID) have to be edited at the source. If a research output is imported using the BibTeX format, the only part of the record you can change is the publication type. If there is an error in the record display you’ll need to delete the research output and add it again using the “Add Manually” option. This will give you more control regarding the information entered and how it’s displayed.
Issue numbers aren’t displayed. Where an “article number” exists in My Publications, it will display as an issue number in RMS. For publications with an article number, consider using the DOI importing option or add research outputs manually.
Chapter numbers aren’t displayed. Where a book has a volume number, the chapter number displays as an issue number.
There is no specific BibTeX publication type for edited books, so they are imported into ARC RMS as "Addional Research Outputs" and some information may be missing. However you can change the publication type in RMS to "Edited Book" by clicking on the "Additional Details" button next to the listed work on the "Manage Research Outputs" page. From there, select "Edited Book" in the "Category" drop-down menu. After doing this, any missing information will also be displayed if it was included in the exported file from My Publications.
For non-traditional research outputs, only the following fields are displayed in ARC RMS: Author(s), Title, Year, Volume, Pagination, and Notes. If other fields are required for non-traditional research outputs, you can bring them into ARC RMS by copying the information into the "Notes" field in the My Publications record before exporting the BiBTeX file. Please be aware that the information should still be retained in the relevant field (e.g. Publisher in the "Publisher" field), but if it is cut & pasted into the "Notes" field as well, it will be included in the information imported into ARC RMS. This is also true for journal items and conference items in My Publications.
If you want maximum control over the data displayed in RMS, consider using “Add Manually” instead of the BibTeX import method of adding records to RMS.
All names in the “Authors” field in the My Publications record are displayed in RMS. This could make the record display difficult to read in some cases.
Records imported into RMS are considered to be the same (and are therefore de-duplicated) if they have identical citation keys. The “Citation Key” is a combination of author, year and title and is automatically assigned and added to the BibTeX file when records are exported from My Publications. Generally this works well, but could explain why the number of imported records may be less than the number of records exported from My Publications in some instances.
If a research output imported using the BibTeX format has an identical citation key to a publication that has already been added and deleted, it won’t be added as a new item if imported a second time. If this is the case the item will be listed in RMS as “Deleted”. To add it to the list of available research outputs, click on the “Revive” button next to its listing in the deleted list.