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Data curation, archiving and retention

Retention Periods

Following are guidelines for determining minimum and maximum retention periods for your research data.

General options for minimum retention

Type of research Time period
Research 5-years post-publication date
Research with Health information 7 years post-publication
Clinical Trials

15 years post-publication date

Indefinitely Indefinitely

Note - The minimum retention periods for any data collected from or about children or young people commences when those participants attain adulthood.

This table is a guideline only- please check with Human Ethics or Records Management Services.

Maximum Retention Period

To work out the maximum retention period, you need to consider the longer-term value of the data in light of the potential research impact and other factors. Refer to the Research Data Management Policy

Retention of Unpublished Data

You may collect or generate research data that is valuable but is unsuitable for or unable to be published (for example, for ethical reasons). In such cases, ensure that your data is properly stored on a designated Research Drive.