International theses
International theses
- Networked Digital Library of Theses and DissertationsClosed and open access electronic theses and dissertations
- Open Access Theses and DissertationsOpen access graduate theses and dissertations
- OpenDOARA directory of open access repositories
- PQDT OpenFree access to open access dissertations and theses
- Proquest Dissertations and ThesesA database of international graduate dissertations and theses
- WorldCatFind theses in library collections
- China National Knowledge Infrastructure Doctoral and Outstanding Masters ThesesNatural and social sciences theses from 2002-present
- JAIROSearch for theses in Japanese institutional repositories
- Pakistan Research RepositoryIncludes theses from 1933-present
- DATAD_RDatabase of African theses and dissertations including research
- National ETD PortalSouth African theses and dissertations
- DANS (Netherlands)Data archiving and networked services
- DART-Europe E-theses PortalOpen access theses from European universities
- Deutsche National BibliothekSearch for theses in the German National Library catalogue
- DiVASearch for theses at 34 universities and colleges in Sweden and Norway
- EthOSBritish Library electronic theses online service
- HelveticatSearch for theses in the Swiss National Library catalogue
- RIANOpen access Irish research publications including theses and dissertations
- SUDOCFrench catalogue of resources from higher education, research libraries and resource centres. Aims to list all French dissertations and theses
- TEL (French thesis online repository)French theses from 1905-present
- TESEODatabase of Spanish theses from 1976-present
- Open DissertationsAn open access EBSCO database that includes American Doctoral Dissertations and additional records from selected universities and colleges worldwide
- Theses Canada PortalDissertations and theses from 1965-present