Research data management in grant applications
Research data management words in grant applications
Applications for research funding from the ARC, NHMRC and other research funders now require consideration of research data management. You can improve the competitiveness of your research proposal by writing a well thought out section on data management and showing how good data management will enhance your research outcomes.
The research data management section is a small part of the application, so you will need to distil a significant component of your research practice into relatively few words. The key topics to address are data storage, access and reuse, and sensitive data if applicable.
To help, this guide offers a library of content in the menus on the left of the page. You can cut and paste them, adapt them as necessary to align with your project's specific research data management practice, or just use them as thought starters.
- La Trobe Grants Team (Research Office)The Grants team assists with identifying funding opportunities, applying for research grants, drafting grant budgets and at award services.