Sensitive data
Sensitive data
- The research data are not sensitive, confidential or subject to privacy restrictions. De-identification is not required.
- This research uses surveys which may collect information that in context could be used to identify individuals or groups even if no personal identifiers are collected. To protect this extra sensitivity, the research team will [store on the La Trobe University research drive / encrypt the data / other].
- Project personnel, including transcribers, will sign non-disclosure agreements and be reminded that information in their possession (physical or digital) is their responsibility to keep safe, secure and confidential.
- Transcribers will sign an agreement to ensure all their copies of the research data are destroyed securely at the end of the research project.
- All project data will be stored securely and only authorised researchers will have access to it, on the condition that confidentiality is observed.
- Sensitive data will be encrypted and only authorised personnel will have access to the [key/password].
- Sensitive data will be password protected at the file-level.
- During the project, sensitive data will not be emailed; it will be transferred amongst authorised external personal using the encrypted AARNet FileSender service which allows for client-side encryption and a set expiry date .
- For sharing files between researchers in different countries, researchers will use the secure AARNet FileSender voucher tool, as this tool allows for client-side encryption and a set expiry date which both increase data security. This service is available to anyone with an email address.
- Personal administrative information, such as names and addresses, will be stored in a separate location to the research data, which will be organised by an ID number.
- This data has been generated for a commercial client and is confidential. The de-identified data may be accessed only with the express permission of the client.
- We have informed consent to share participant’s de-identified data on completion of the research project.
- Data will be anonymised and the precision of the data reduced before archiving.
- The research data can only be re-used in an aggregated and de-identified format.
- At the end of the retention period, confidential data will be destroyed. Files will be overwritten by a Government approved secure deletion software.
- At the end of the retention period, confidential data will be securely deleted and the hard drive physically destroyed.
- At the end of the retention period, confidential physical materials will be shredded and deposited in the University’s secure shredding bins.
See the sensitive data guide for more information.