Researcher profiles and networks can be used to establish a clear online presence and develop research networks. Some profile tools also incorporate unique researcher identifiers that assist with clarifying a researcher's identity. Here are some resources to help you establish your academic profiles and manage them to give you a findable online presence.
- Researcher profiles and networks
This guide provides an overview of prominent researcher profiles and networks.
- Academic Profiles Library Workshop
Academic Profiles are your public facing window to your research. Make them stand out! See the RED workshop and seminar schedule for 2024 classes and sign up to one of our Academic Profiles workshops. This workshop will help you to understand and manage your La Trobe Academic Profile.
- You and your academic profile
Having an effective digital presence means telling a cohesive story about yourself that's backed up by the other evidence that's findable online. This blog, written by Tseen Khoo from the La Trobe Graduate Research School has pointers about representing yourself as a researcher in your profiles by writing a good bio.
Further Resources and Development
- Academic profiles
This guide explains how your La Trobe Academic Profile is managed by the university, and how you can edit some sections to personalise and optimise it.
- GRO digital academic module
If you're keen to learn about creating and managing a digital profile from the beginning, you can work your way through all the sections in turn.
If you're familiar with the concept of developing an online profile and already have some experience with social media, you can skip straight to the sections that interest you most.
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), is a free, unique, persistent identifier (PID) for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities. ORCID is free of charge to researchers. It is strongly recommended that all Graduate Researchers at La Trobe create an ORCID profile. It is quick and easy to do this from the linked page in the ORCID website, which also has more information about ORCID profiles.
- RED Workshop and Seminar Program
The Graduate Research School RED team, the Library and Digital Research deliver programs in a broad range of areas. Check the schedule for 2024 to see what is available and register via the links on the page.