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Open access publishing enables researchers, field workers, clinicians, scientists, students and members of the public to access new and cutting-edge research and data without firewalls or journal subscriptions. It also benefits researchers by making their work visible and discoverable. La Trobe strongly endorses the principles of open access publishing. The resources in this section will help you to identify some open access publishing options and resources.

Australia's Chief Scientist Dr. Cathy Foley has openly stated the need to improve open access to research and for an Open Access Strategy

"Australia lags some other nations in regard to open access, with well over half of Australian academic papers requiring a payment to access.... This makes it really difficult for the Australian community to find research on, say, a rare disease, or climate change.... Lack of access to information is a real roadblock, and hinders our ability to compete internationally."

17 March 2021, Dr Cathy Foley National Press Club Address, Achieving Impact from Australian science


  • OPAL Institutional Repository guide
    OPAL (Open @ La Trobe) is the institutional repository for La Trobe University. Items in OPAL include published research from LTU staff, data sets, papers accepted for publication (author accepted manuscripts), open education resources, theses authored by Graduate Researchers, and cultural heritage material from LTU collections. 
  • Where and how to publish
    This guide contains information about depositing research outputs into the OPAL institutional repository and the opportunities for journal open access publishing. Graduate researchers should check this information carefully when seeking to publish in journals with free or discounted Article Processing Charges (APC)
  • Read and publish information 
    La Trobe University works collaboratively with the Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) and publishers to offer a model which opens up access to peer-reviewed research from us and for us.
  • Open Access Sources
    Information on how to find scholarly, peer-reviewed open access resources. 
  • La Trobe eBureau
    The mission of the eBureau is to invest in the development of quality open access resources to support online and blended learning.