Conference papers
Learn where and how to find conference papers and proceedings using library databases.
Conference papers and proceedings
Conference papers can be published in books, journal articles or abstracts, and many organisations make them available online.
You can refine your search by publication or document type when searching many library databases.
Use Google or Google Scholar to search for the name of the conference or organisation.
- BMC ProceedingsAn online, open access journal publishing proceedings of conferences, including both peer-reviewed full-length articles and collections of meeting abstracts.
- CINAHLRefine search to Publication Type by 'proceedings'.
- EmbaseLimit search to Publication Type by: 'Conference Abstract', 'Conference Review', 'Conference Paper', 'Conference Proceeding'.
- MedlineLimit search to Publication Type by 'clinical conference', 'congresses', 'consensus development conference'.
- ScopusContains 4.9 million conference papers from proceedings and journals. Use document type to limit your search to 'conference' or 'conference review'.
- Web of ScienceIncludes Conference Proceedings Citation Indexes for Science and Social Science and Humanities (1990-present). Limit your search to "Meeting abstract', 'proceedings paper'.