Learn how to locate local and international theses that may be useful for your research.
- TroveFind Australian theses using Trove.
- CINAHLCINAHL indexes a limited number of nursing and allied health theses.
- EBSCO Open DissertationsFree access to over 800,000 theses and dissertations. Includes those previously available in American Doctoral Dissertations™.
- ETHoSBritish Library search for over 400,000 doctoral theses produced in the UK.
- Proquest Dissertations and Theses GlobalIncludes 2.7 million searchable citations to dissertation and theses from around the world from 1861 to the present day together with 1.2 million full text dissertations that are available for download in PDF format.
- NTLTD - Networked Digital Library of Theses and DissertationIncludes a list of country resources and a global search for electronic theses and dissertations.
- WorldCat (Advanced Search)Connects to collections around the world - choose Thesis/dissertations from the "Content" options.
La Trobe University theses
Masters and PhD theses
- OPAL: La Trobe's institutional repositoryOPen At Latrobe (OPAL) is the University's research repository. It preserves and provides open access to La Trobe University research outputs such as publications, theses and data. Includes some La Trobe University research theses submitted before 2010, and most from 2010 onwards.
- Library SearchLa Trobe Masters and PhD theses are held in the Library at Albury-Wodonga, Bendigo and Bundoora.
- Select the Search tab
- Click on the "In" drop down menu and select Thesis
- Click on the "By" drop down menu to select the type of search - if you already know the title or author of a thesis, select this option
- Type in your search terms and click Go
Honours theses
At the Bundoora and Bendigo campuses, honours theses are held in departmental offices, not in the Library. See the relevant administrative staff in each area for details.
At Albury-Wodonga, La Trobe honours theses are held in the library and can be found through Library Search.