'How to' guide - other items
To deposit directly into OPAL
Please Note:
Open Publications are submitted through MyPublications (further info)
Open Theses are submitted through the Graduate Research School (further info)
Open GLAM collections are submitted by liaison with the library (further info)
To deposit Open Data into OPAL
- Log into OPAL, with your LTU credentials.
- On the welcome screen click on ‘Upload Data’ at the top.
- Click on ‘+ Create a new item’. This will bring up the form to enter the details.
- Drag-and-drop the file (or multiple files) from your computer, or browse for file/s and select.
- For sensitive or confidential data, you can create a record with only the descriptive metadata without the data itself by selecting ‘Set as metadata record. Click here for more information.
Filling in the fields
- Enter the basic data (fields marked with a red asterisk are required):
- Authors can be entered by name, email, or ORCID number
- Choose Categories and Keywords to improve the item’s findability
- The default group of 'La Trobe University' should be changed, where possible, by selecting the most appropriate group, such as ‘Open Data’ or ‘Open Education Resources’
See further options within a group by clicking on the angle bracket '>'.
- In the description field, include any information that will help a reader understand the item.
- Proceed to fill in the remaining fields:
- Include funding information for items produced from grant support
- If the item has related material (e.g. supplementary data), include an identifier for the publication (e.g. a DOI), select the type of the identifier (from the drop down list), select the publication’s title and a relation type, e.g ‘Is supplement to’ or ‘References’
- The References section can contain any relevant links to other resources
- You can choose what to license the item as. We recommend CC BY 4.0 Creative Commons license; however many others are available (further information)
- You can optionally embargo the article
- For draft items, you can generate a private link, or know the DOI ahead of time (via ‘Manage Identifiers’).
- You can preview the item, and finally, select ‘Save changes’ and then ‘Submit for review’ for review for publication in OPAL