Government Publications
Provides parliamentary, political, legislative, regulatory and judicial news almost as soon as it is available from the Federal Press Gallery at Parliament House in Canberra. It includes full coverage of federal, state and territory Parliaments, government departments, agencies, courts and key stakeholders in public policy, including industry, associations and not-for-profits.
The Parliamentary Library provides services to members, senators and their staff, including Bills Digests and research publications, as well as the Parliamentary Handbook.
The Victorian Parliamentary Library provides research support to Members of the Victorian Parliament through research papers, current issues briefs, and Research briefs (which are the equivalent of federal Bills Digests).
A collection of Law Reform Commission reports from across Australia and New Zealand.
- Analysis & Policy Observatory (APO)APO’s searchable digital repository is a unique collection of grey literature on any public policy issue – covering Australia, New Zealand, UK, USA and beyond. Its resources are sourced from a wide range of organisations involved in policy such as government, agencies, regulators, research institutes, non-profits and think tanks.