UK Law
Cite UK law according to rule 24 of the AGLC.
The equivalent of AustLII, BAILII provides non-authoritative access to a range of British and Irish case law, legislation, Law Commission reports, and other British and Irish law-related material.
Key source for caselaw from the UK. Searchable database which provides access to ICLR's Law Reports and Weekly Law Reports covering case law from the Superior and Appellate Courts in England and Wales.
Links to a number of UK report series are included in the Online Case Reports page.
Authoritative source of most UK Legislation
Unauthorised versions of UK legislation can also be found on BAILLI, (see link above).
Regnal Years
Prior to 1963, UK Acts of Parliament were numbered using the year of the sovereign’s reign in which the Act was passed, a system known as regnal years. Under the regnal year system, an Act passed early in a parliamentary session has a citation such as 5 Edw. 7, c. 9, for the ninth chapter in the session that commenced in the fifth year of the reign of King Edward 7th. It was common for a session to extend into a second regnal year, giving rise to a citation such as 8 & 9 Geo. 6, c. 4.
- Lexis Advance UKThe link above will take you to Lexis Advance Pacific. To access Lexis Advance UK, Choose "UK" from the dropdown menu next to the search box in Lexis AU. Look for the tiny Australian flag.
- Lexis Advance UK Law Reviews and JournalsA collection of UK and other international law journals.