Find systematic reviews
Systematic review databases
Before you start, check whether a systematic review already exists, or is currently under way. This may also help you to refine your review topic. The following databases include systematic reviews:
- Campbell CollaborationSystematic reviews in education, crime and justice, and social welfare.
- Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR)Systematic reviews (and protocols) prepared and supervised by Cochrane Review Groups.
- Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE)Reviews in subjects where there is currently no Cochrane Review.
- DoPHER (Database of Promoting Health Effectiveness Reviews)Reviews of health promotion and public health effectiveness.
- Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre (EPPI-Centre)EPPI develops systematic reviews and review methods in social science and public policy.
- Joanna Briggs InstituteWide range of summarised and appraised evidence to inform healthcare practice.
- OTseekerAbstracts of systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials relevant to occupational therapy.
- PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Database)Randomised trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy.
- PROSPEROProspectively registered systematic reviews in health and social care.
- SpeechBiteIntervention studies across the scope of speech pathology practice.