Write and publish
Author tools
- RevManReview Manager (RevMan) is the software used for preparing and maintaining Cochrane Reviews.
- Online learning modules for Cochrane authorsProvides an introduction to some of the core skills and methods required for new authors of systematic reviews of interventions.
- Cochrane Style GuidePDF guide designed to help review authors and editors use a consistent style when copy-editing Cochrane Reviews and other Cochrane Collaboration documents.
Research and journal impact
- Measure your research impactVarious resources and tools to help you measure your research impact.
La Trobe University's Research Online
- OPAL (Open at La Trobe)Stores, describes, and gives access to digital objects which are part of La Trobe University's research output. Includes research data collections, journal articles, and other papers, images and audiovisual files.
Useful resources
- Communicating in the health sciences byPublication Date: 2012
- Writing a biomedical research paper a guide to structure and style byPublication Date: 2008
- Writing for academic journals byPublication Date: 2013
- Writing for nursing and midwifery students byPublication Date: 2011