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Public records

Find digital public records from the National Archives of Australia and the Public Records Office of Victoria. This page also includes links to examples of projects and other states.

National Archives of Australia

You can find records related to the Australian Constitution and referendums, FederationCabinet, DefenceImmigration and citizenship, Intelligence and security through the National Archives of Australia.

Public Records Office of Victoria (PROV)

You can find records created by Victorian Government departments and authorities including the State’s courts, local councils, schools, and public hospitals and other public offices from mid 1830s - present through the Public Records Office of Victoria. They include information relating to areas of activity managed or regulated by government such as the administration of justice, immigration, health and welfare, land, education, Indigenous communities, planning, transport, and resource management.

Public records from other state archival authorities

Projects with public records and archives

Examples of historical projects that facilitate access to digital public records: