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Australians at war

Peace and anti-war movements

A useful gateway to records of anti-war and peace movements (and more).

The best way to find information is to browse by topic:

  • Peace movements - overview
  • Peace movements - Anti-fascist and Second World War
  • Vietnam War (1961-1975)
  • Conscription - criticism, 1950-present
  • Peace movements - First World War and earlier
  • Peace Movements - 2000-2019

Museum collections

Keyword searching and discovery tips

  • Enter a search term, such as war

  • Filter your search results by facets such as collecting area - Arms, Medicine & health, Migration & cultural diversity, and Public life & institutions will be particularly good for finding images and objects of war, but they can also be found in many other areas

  • Filter your search results by item type (image, object, document, audio-visual) and image license (remember select CC By or Public Domain if you want to share it in your assignments, on the LMS and beyond)

  • Add an additional search term by putting it in the search box and selecting the Add icon rather than the magnifying glass or simply clicking Enter

Browse the collection to explore it

You may prefer to browse the collection by:

  • Articles and items

  • Display location (Melbourne Museum, Immigration Museum and more)

  • Records with 'Recently modified' metadata (so that you don't miss anything new!)

Australian War Memorial

There are a few different ways to find records from the Australian War Memorial. Searching for a person is the most direct way if you have a particular person in mind. From the home page, go to People or “Search for a Person”.

Enter name and service number, unit name and/or conflict if you know these details or start broad and filter it down by just entering the name.

Once you have done this you can click on the name to access the relevant records or click on the unit name and browse records for all people in that particular unit.

You may also like to browse all digitised records by the following search results or types of records

National Archives of Australia

Watch this video to help you identify the language to use when searching the National Archives.

Watch this video to help you identify what all the abbreviations mean and help make your search more efficient and effective.

Name Search

Start by searching for Family name and selecting a particular category of records.

You may want to unselect. Use exact spelling if you’re not completely sure.

Click 'Display' to browse all records or 'Refine this search result' to add more details such as given names and/or service numbers.


Photo Search

You can do a keyword search, but it tends to be easier to browse titles by subject or conflicts:

  • World War One

  • World War Two

  • Vietnam War