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All ClinicalKey eBooks and journal articles are available via Library Search. Students & staff can also access ClinicalKey databases via the Databases Guide, under C or by searching for ClinicalKey. 


Account registration 

First time users of ClinicalKey will be prompted to register for a free Elsevier account. Please use your La Trobe email address. Registering for an account will enable you to access the Bookshelf tool and Bookshelf app, so you can use accessibility features and read offline.

Find out more about creating a student account or a staff account.

Using ClinicalKey images  

Students and staff can use images from ClinicalKey databases in presentations for non-commercial purposes, e.g., educational purposes. ClinicalKey has a system for adding images to presentations, which includes a PowerPoint format. If using a ClinicalKey image, please keep all copyright notices on your slides.

Find out more about ClinicalKey images.