Business environment
Links to databases and websites providing reports and analysis on Australian and international business environments.
Finding country profiles
Country profile/report/review provides information and analysis on the geographical, demographic, political, economic, coporate, social, technological, legal and environmental structures and conditions of a country.
Business Source Complete includes geographical, political, economic, corporate, & environmental information on 191 countries.
You can use Business Source Complete to access the following reports:
- Political Risk Yearbook (PRS Group)Search tips: Type into search box "Political Risk Yearbook", brings up alphabetical listing of reports by country.
- Country reports1. Select the database Business Source Complete. 2. Select the Browse option Country reports (right frame) 3. Select the Country tab and select the required country. Select 'Country reports' in the right hand Browse box, then search or browse to find the required report.
- Country Commerce via FactivaSearch tip: Type a country name in the Free Text Search box. Select the date, Type in ‘EIU Country’ in the Source box, and select from the list.
- IBISWorldProvides company and industry reports across all 500 Australian industries. We have access to the following Modules: Australia Industry Reports (ANZSIC); Australia Specialized Industry Reports; Australia Business Environment Profiles; Australia Company Reports; Australia Risk Ratings Reports; iExpert Reports on ANZSIC Industries; and Global Industry Reports.
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) This link opens in a new windowOECD iLibrary is OECDs Online Library for Books, Papers and Statistics and the gateway to OECDs analysis and data. It replaces SourceOECD, and hosts all content so users can find - and cite - tables and databases as easily as articles or chapters. OECD iLibrary contains all the publications and datasets released by OECD.
These links provide reports and analysis on aspects of countries' business environment including free trade zones, market challenges, opportunities, entry strategy, trade regulations, investment climate, project financing and more.
- Export Markets - Countries (Austrade)Brief guides provided by Austrade for Australian companies on doing business in foreign markets.
Search tips: select a country from the country dropdown list, then click 'Doing business' in the left hand panel. - World Bank Doing Business GuideProvides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 183 economies and selected cities at the subnational and regional level.
- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia (DFAT)Includes a country brief, and one page long fact sheet for each country including recent five years' economic indicators and Australia's trade and investment relationships with that country. Almost 240 countries and economies are covered.
- Australian Local Government AssociationProfiles and statistics of various local government municipalities
- The World Bank Open DataClick ‘By Country’ for over 200 countries and regions. Over 1200 indicators from 1960 – 2010 in education, finance, health, infrastructure, environment, development and trade.
- CIA - The World FactbookProvides information for all countries on geography, government, economy, communications, transportation, military and demographic information.