Financial information
Learn how to find and use financial information about companies
Financial analysis
- DatAnalysis PremiumDetailed information on all companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.
- DatAnalysis - Search examplesVideo tutorials with different examples of how to search this database
Financial ratios
Using ratios, you can compare a company's financial performance to the industry average and reveal relationships between items appearing on balance sheets & income statements. For example, current assets to current liabilities, or net income to net sales.
Most ratio sources are industry based and organized by the industry code ANZSIC.
- IBISWorldProvides company and industry reports across all 500 Australian industries. Industry market research reports cover many industries by ANZSIC code. In the "Key Statistics" section of a report look for industry ratios and statistics
- DatAnalysis PremiumFind ratio analyses under the "Financial Data" section in a company report
Financial deals
- MarketLine AdvantageChoose "Financial Deals" from All Research drop-down search menu
- Yahoo! FinanceFree coverage including Australia and international markets
- How to use the top Yahoo! Finance toolsBlog post on how to use the free tools provided by Yahoo! Finance.
- IMF DataAccess macroeconomic and financial data from the International Monetary Fund
Finding audit reports
Using DatAnalysis Premium select Search Tools / ASX Announcements PDF Search
Using the following search form, enter in the following requirements:
- Section A (optional) = Listed companies (for any company)
- Section B - Announcement Type = Periodic Reports
- Section B - Announcement Sub-Type = Full Year Audit Review
- Section B - Accouncement Date Range = select your required dates
- Section C (optional) - use to search for qualified ("emphasis of matter" or "adverse report" or "disclaimer of opinion" ) or unqualified reports
- Select the Search button
When looking at the results select the Annual Report of a company and go to the section of the report that contains the Independent Auditor’s Report.
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