Trends and forecasting
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Economic surveys and reports
- ComtradeThe United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN Comtrade) contains detailed imports and exports statistics reported by statistical authorities of close to 200 countries or areas. It concerns annual trade data from 1962 to the most recent year. UN Comtrade is considered the most comprehensive trade database available with more than 1 billion records.
- Country Monitor (IHS Global)Monthly report presenting analyses, statistics, and forecasts on the economies of 100+ countries. Includes information on Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Real GDP, Consumer Prices, Foreign Trade, Official Exchange Rate, etc. Also provides Import and Export Statistics as well as the names of important government officials.
- CountryWatch Forecast BriefsInformation on the performance and 5 year forecast of macroeconomics, energy, metals, and agriculture sectors of 196 countries.
- OECD Economic SurveysEach issue provides a comprehensive analysis of developments in the subject country, and individual chapters covering key economic challenges being faced with recommendations for dealing with the challenges.