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Trends and forecasting

Find information on business trends, forecasting, surveys and reports.



For trends and analysis, Click SUBJECT. Open the following options: Selection of Top Stories/Trends/Analysis - Editor's Choice; Industry Trends/Analysis. Browse list of industries. Select first by clicking on blue triangle and then on Search.

man in a suit holds a newspaper with Business as a headline

Passport (Euromonitor)

Covers global consumer products and consumer lifestyles. Select Search, then Advanced Text to do a word search, eg. trends and pet care

a laptop showing a graph, with coffee cup.


Within an industry, country or company report, type TRENDS in the "Search within Report" box

a laptop screen showing a pie chart


DatAnalysis Premium

Detailed information on all companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Find forecasting under the "Analyst Forecasts" section of a company report.

Screen showing stock exchange movements in graphs


Look for articles on your industry by adding "and forecast" to your industry name in the keyword search box. Or search for "forecasts" under subject for terms like "Earnings Projections" and related concepts.

man in a suit holds a newspaper with Business as a headline

Economic surveys and reports