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Marketing and market research

Learn how to find market research for Australian and global industries.

Key marketing databases


Provides company and industry reports across all 500 Australian industries.

A laptop screen showing a graph

MarketLine Advantage

Covering 215 countries, resources include company profiles, capsules and SWOTs, case studies, industry profiles, company news, financial deals, country analysis and country statistics.

Business Source Complete

Provides many premium peer-reviewed, business related journals and indexing and abstracts for the most important scholarly business journals.

four people around a table with laptop and notes

Passport (Euromonitor)

This database provides market analysis by country, industry and commodity.

a laptop showing a graph, with coffee cup.

WARC (Advertising and marketing knowledge)

Advertising, marketing and communications, including business case studies

Finding market research

Consultancy firms conduct and publish industry research, and you can also check company websites.

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Business research tutorials