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Journal articles

This guide has now been superseded.
If you are required to use 'Harvard' style referencing please check with your subject coordinator as to which version of Harvard to use.

Reference list

Author, initial(s) Year, 'Article title', Journal Title, vol. (volume number), no. (issue number if any), p./pp. (page number/range).

Lee, H 2007, 'Transforming transnationalism: second generation Tongans overseas', Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 157–178.

  • Always include the page no. in-text when using a direct quote.
  • It is strongly recommended that you also include the page number/s when paraphrasing specific ideas.
  • If you are referring to a general content from a whole work you can omit the page number
  • Capitalise the first letter of all the main words in the Journal Title - not 'and', 'of', 'in' etc.
  • The title of the article is in quotes
  • The title of the journal is in italics

Reference list

Author, initial(s) Year of publication, 'Article title', Journal Title, vol. (volume number), no. (issue number if any), p./pp. (page numbers).

Carlin, TY & Ford, G 2006, 'A governance perspective on executive options plans - some Australian empirical evidence', Australian Accounting Review, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 75–84.

  • Cite the names of the authors in the order they appear.
  • When the authors names are incorporated into the text, as above, use 'and' instead of &.
  • If the names of the authors are in brackets use & before the last author.
  • Capitalise the first letter of all the main words in the Journal Title - not 'and', 'of', 'in' etc.
  • Always include the page number in-text when using a direct quote.
  • Always include the page/s number/s when drawing primarily on a particular page or section.
  • It is strongly recommended that you also include the page number/s when paraphrasing.

Reference list

Author, initial(s) Year of publication, 'Article title', Journal Title, vol. (volume number), no. (issue number if any), p./pp. (page numbers).

Wattal, S, Schuff, D, Mandviwalla, M & Williams, CB 2010, 'Web 2.0 and politics: the 2008 U.S presidential election and an e-politics research agenda', MIS Quarterly, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 669–688.

  • For in-text references, only list the name of the first author followed by et al (meaning 'and others').
  • Cite the names of the authors in the order they appear.
  • For the reference list, list all authors – do not use et al.
  • For the reference list, enter the authors in the order they appear on the title page of the article
  • Capitalise the first letter of all the main words in the Journal Title - not 'and', 'of', 'in' etc.
  • Always include the page no. in-text when using a direct quote.
  • Always include the page/s number/s when drawing primarily on a particular page or section.
  • It is strongly recommended that you also include the page number/s when paraphrasing.

Reference list

'Article title' Year of publication, Journal Title, vol. (volume number), no. (issue number if any), p./pp. (page number/s)

`Restructuring USAID: time to match rhetoric with deeds' 2010, The Lancet, vol. 376, no. 9747, p. 1118.

  • Use the 'title of the article' in place of the author in-text
  • The 'title of the article' is in single quotes
  • If the article is short there is no need to include a page number
  • List it alphabetically by its title in the reference list
  • Capitalise the first letter of all the main words in the Journal Title - not 'and', 'of', 'in' etc.


Even if an article is accessed through a library database, e.g. ProQuest or Expanded Academic, reference it the same as the print and pdf article examples. Do not include the name of the database or a URL. 

Refer to the examples for Article from a journal print or pdf.

Reference list

Author, initial/s Year of publication, 'article title', Journal Title, vol., no., p./pp. page numbers (if available) viewed day month year, <URL>.

Xiao, H & Petraki E 2007, 'An investigation of Chinese students' difficulties in intercultural communication and its role in ELT', Journal of Intercultural Communication, no. 13, viewed 20 June 2019, <>.

  • Follow this example if the journal article is only available via the internet.
  • Enclose the URL in the 'greater than' 'less than' symbols < >.
  • Put what journal details are available after the title. Volume and issue nos. not always available.
  • If there is no author use the 'title of the article' in place of the author in-text.
  • Capitalise the first letter of all the main words in the Journal Title - not 'and', 'of', 'in' etc.

In-text Referencing

Direct Quotes:

Always include the page number in-text when using a direct quote.  If the resource does not include page numbers, omit that part of the in-text reference.

Author Notes:

Include the surname/s of the author and year. For example,


No author: The life of insects (1979, p. 23)  (The life of insects 1979, p. 23)


One author: Metcalf (2005, p. 184) (Metcalf 2005, p. 184)


Two to three authors: Savage, Bagnall and Longhurst (2005, p. 13)  (Savage, Bagnall & Longhurst 2005, p. 13)


Four or more authors: Kring et al. (2010, p. 71) (Kring et al. 2010, p. 72)


Group / corporate author: National Institute on Drug Abuse (2010)  (National Institute on Drug Abuse 2010)

Author Prominent

Metcalf (2005, p. 184) states that "the Nuer of southern Sudan lacked any institutions of governance; no chiefs or councils of elders, no armies or law enforcement".

Kring et al. (2010, p. 71) observe that “during the Dark Ages, some people with mental illness were cared for in monasteries, but many simply roamed the countryside”.

Information Prominent

"the Nuer of southern Sudan lacked any institutions of governance; no chiefs or council of elders, no armies or law enforcement" (Metcalf 2005, p. 184).

It has been suggested that “during the Dark Ages, some people with mental illness were cared for in monasteries, but many simply roamed the countryside” (Kring et al. 2010, p. 72).

"Most drugs of abuse directly or indirectly target the brain's reward system by flooding the circuit with dopamine" (National Institute on Drug Abuse 2010).


It is strongly recommended that you also include the page number(s) when paraphrasing.

Author Prominent

Metcalf (2005, p. 184) contends that critical anthropology is characterised by reflexivity rather than negativism.

Savage, Bagnall and Longhurst (2005, p. 13) argue that the demise of local identities posited by some sociologist over the last two centuries, has not been borne out.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, dopamine is released in the brain when most drugs of abuse are used (2010).

Information Prominent

Effective teaching is based on several... (Killen 2009, p.10)

The demise of local identities posited by some sociologist over the last two centuries, has not been borne out (Savage, Bagnall & Longhurst 2005, p. 13).