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Other sources

This guide has now been superseded.
If you are required to use 'Harvard' style referencing please check with your subject coordinator as to which version of Harvard to use.

In text referencing

(Author Year of Publication)

(David Jones Limited 2012)

(Aurora Energy Pty Ltd 2007)

Reference list

Author Year of Publication, Title, Publisher, viewed day month year, <URL>.

David Jones Limited 2012, Annual Report 2012, David Jones Limited, viewed 4 February 2013, <

Author Year of Publication, Title, Publisher, Place of Publication.

Aurora Energy Pty Ltd 2007, Annual Report 2006/7, Aurora Energy, Hobart.

In text referencing

Publisher as author

(Author Year of Publication, p. no)

(MarketLine 2013, p. 4)

(Dun & Bradstreet 2013, p. 10)

(Bureau van Dijk 2012, p. 2)

Person as author

(Author Surname Year of Publication, p. no)

Reference list

Publisher as author

Publisher Year of Publication, Title, type of report, viewed day month year, retrieved from Database name.

MarketLine 2013, Woolworths Limited, company profile, viewed 4 August 2013, retrieved from Business Source Complete Database.

Dun & Bradstreet 2013, Cascade Brewery Company Pty Ltd, company report, viewed 7 August 2013, retrieved from Company 360 Database.

Bureau van Dijk 2012, Apple Inc., company report, viewed 4 August 2013, retrieved from Mint Global Database.

Person as author

Author Surname, Initial Year of Publication, Title, type of report, Publisher, viewed day month year, retrieved from Database name.

Use the template above to format the reference.


  • If sourced from a library database, just use the database name, not a URL
  • The author is usually the publisher or database provider, but if there is clearly a person as author, then use their name
  • If a person is the author, still include the Publisher name, but after the type of report
  • The date is the year the report/profile was published
  • If the report type is not in the title of the document, then include the report type (e.g. company report, industry report, company profile)
  • Always choose the PDF file when available. This allows you to cite and reference the source as if it were a hardcopy
  • Include the date you viewed the document online

Reference list

Author/s, initial/s year of publication, 'Title of the conference paper', Title of the conference, publisher, place of publication, dates of the conference, viewed date, <URL>.

Kift, SM & Moody, KE 2009, 'Harnessing assessment and feedback in the first year to support learning success, engagement and retention', ATN Assessment Conference 2009 Proceedings, RMIT University, Melbourne, 19-20 November, viewed 8 November 2010, <>.

  • If the conference paper is available online add the viewed date and URL after the place of publication
  • The title of the conference is put in italics
  • If the proceedings list editors these should be added in between 'Title of the conference paper' and Title of the conference in the same format as Chapter in an edited book: 'Title of the conference paper', in editor/s (ed./eds), Title of the conference (see above under Books)

Reference list

Author/s, initial/s year of publication, 'Title of the conference paper', paper presented at Title of the conference, Conference Host, Location, dates of the conference, viewed date, <URL>

Tinto, V 2009, 'Taking the student retention seriously: rethinking the first year at university', paper presented at the FYE Curriculum Design Symposium, Queensland University of Technology, 5-6 February, viewed 12 December 2010, <>.

  • If the paper is not published the title of the conference is not in Italics
  • Use the phrase paper presented at after the title of the paper and before the title of the conference
  • Put the dates of the conference (range of days and month) after the place.

In text referencing

Use this format for lecture notes, powerpoint, lecture presentation

Direct quote

"Socialisation into roles is a major impetus behind inequality" (Wallace 2010)


It was pointed out in the week 2 lecture that kinship... (Lee 2010)

Reference list

Lecturers name, Initial Year, 'Lecture title or Week of presentation', type of material i.e. lecture notes/powerpoint slides/lecture, Subject code/name, University name, date of presentation or viewed date, <url>.

Wallace, P 2010, 'Gender & sexuality', powerpoint slides, SOC1SAC, La Trobe University, viewed 19 January 2011.

Lee, H 2010, 'Charting Kinship', lecture, ANT2KAM, La Trobe University, delivered 5 August 2010.

  • State the type of course material after the title of the lecture
  • You can use the subject code or the subject name
  • Course material is unpublished so the title is enclosed in single quotes not italics
  • If Course materials cite other sources, you should always locate and cite the original source of information if it is available

In text referencing

(Investigators Year)

(Pew Hispanic Center 2004)

Paraphrasing or summarising

The Pew Hispanic Center (2004) found that......

Reference list

Dataset- online

Author(s)-Family name, initial/s OR Authoring body Year, Title of dataset, Producer, Place of publication, Data Type (optional), viewed date, <http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>.

Pew Hispanic Center 2004, Changing channels and crisscrossing cultures: A survey of Latinos on the news media, Washington, Data file and code book, viewed 23 August 2019, <>.

Dataset with DOI

Author(s)-Family name, initial/s OR Authoring body Year, Title of dataset, Producer, Place of publication, Data Type (optional), DOI.

Memar, O & Caughlin, B 2018, The benefits of green tea in dermatology, Chicago, Dataset, DOI 10.5281/ZENODO.1478221.

In text referencing

Direct quote

"You know how you're always trying to get things to come out perfect in art because it's real difficult in life?" (Annie Hall 1977)


Woody Allen in Annie Hall (1977) demonstrates the art of...

The scene, towards the end of the film, depicts... (Alien Underworld 2002)

Reference list

Title date of recording, format (eg DVD), publisher, place of recording, additional information.

Annie Hall 1977, DVD, MGM Home Entertainment, Santa Monica CA, directed by Woody Allen.

Alien Underworld 2002, video recording, Tattooed Media and the Australian Film Finance Corporation, Australia, written & directed by Sonya Pemberton.

World history in video 2011, streaming video, Ruth Diskin Films, viewed 12 June 2019, Alexander Street Press database.


  • The in-text references to films DVDs, videos, television, and radio programs should contain the title (in italics) and the date of production.
  • Any special credits and other information that may be useful can be noted after the citation eg. Revolutionary Road 2009, DVD, Paramount Home Entertainment Australia, Abbotsford Vic., starring Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet.

In text referencing

Without the image:

The graph Divorces granted: Australia 1988 – 2007 (ABS 2008) illustrates...


If you include the image within your text:

Figure 1 shows the three variants of augmented sixth chords in C major.


Music staff showing 3 variations of C major note




Figure 1. The Italian, French and German augmented sixth chords in the key of C major. (FC Moss, M Neuwirth, D Harasim & M Rohrmeier 2019, Figure 4)

Reference list

Reference according to the style for the source where the Figure is located.

Government Publication: Statistics (Print/Online)
Australian Bureau of Statistics Year, Full title, cat. no. number, viewed day month year, <URL>.

Australian Bureau of Statistics 2008, Divorces Australia 2007, cat. no. 3307.0.55.001, viewed 26 June 2019, <>.

Journal Article : Article from the Internet
Author, initial/s Year of publication, 'article title', Journal Title, vol., no., p./pp. page numbers (if available) viewed day month year, <URL>.

Moss, F, Neuwirth, M, Harasim, D & Rohrmeier, M 2019, ‘Statistical characteristics of tonal harmony: A corpus study of Beethoven’s string quartets’, PLoS ONE, vol. 14, no. 6, e0217242, viewed 26 June 2019, <>.

  • Figures are all illustrations except for Tables.
  • Captions are immediately below each figure. They include the Figure number, title (concise explanation of the figure), and the source of the figure.
  • All figures are numbered as they appear in-text, e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2.
  • The font size for Captions is 2 points smaller than text.
  • In-text reference can be directly to Figure No. or a standard in-text citation that includes author, date and page number. If author is not known, use Title.

In text referencing

Publisher as author

(Author Year of Publication, page)

(Euromonitor 2012, p. 3)

Person as author

(Author Surname Year of Publication, page)

(Schulman 2012, p. 2)

Reference list

Publisher as author

Publisher Year of Publication, Title, type of report, viewed day month year, retrieved from Database name.

Euromonitor International 2012, Baby food in China, industry report, viewed 10 August 2013, retrieved from Passport Database.

Person as author

Author Year of Publication, Title, type of report, Publisher, viewed day month year, retrieved from Database name.

Schulman, C 2012, Internet service providers in Australia, industry report, IBISWorld, viewed 9 August 2013, retrieved from IBISWorld Database.

  • If sourced from a library database, just use the database name, not a URL.
  • The author is usually the publisher or database provider, but if there is clearly a person as author, then use their name.
  • If a person is the author, still include the Publisher name, but after the type of report
  • The date is the year the report was published.
  • If the report type is not in the title of the document, then include the report type (e.g. company report, industry report, company profile).
  • Always choose the PDF file when available. This allows you to add the page number of the pdf so you can cite and reference the source as if it were a hardcopy.
  • Include the date you viewed the document online.

Reference list

Author or Authorising body Year of publication, Title, medium, Publisher / Authorising body, Place of Publication.

New State for North Queensland Movement n.d., A New state for North Queensland : why ? how ? when? brochure, New State for North Queensland Movement, Townsville.

  • Use n.d for no date.
  • Use c. if you can approximately date the document eg. c. 1985.
  • Use the authorising body/publisher as the author OR use the title of the pamphlet/leaflet if there is no author.
  • Use the title of the pamphlet in-text if there is no author
  • Types of mediums can include brochures, leaflets, pamphlets, flyers etc.

In text referencing

Name Initials Year pers. comm., Day Month.

(Shickle S 2008 pers. comm., 8 July) verified that....


Shickle S (2008 pers. comm., 8 July) verified that...

  • Personal communications includes letters, emails, interviews etc.
  • Be sure to get permission from the person being cited before you use their details
  • Put all the details of the email letter etc. in-text
  • Personal communications are not usually included in the reference list

In text referencing

Direct quote

Author surname year, Verse, Line
In ‘Preludes’ Eliot describes the city as filled with “Broken blinds and chimney pots” (Eliot 1954, Verse 1, Line 10)
Reference list

Poem from a book or anthology:
Eliot, TS 1954, Selected Poems, Faber and Faber, London.

Poem from an edited book or anthology
Yeats, WB 1990 (1889), ‘The Sad Shepherd’, in AN Jeffares (ed.), W.B. Yeats: Selected Poetry, Pan Books, London, p. 3.

Poem from a journal
Speers, E 2018, 'Beautiful things', Arena Magazine, no. 157, p. 54.

Poem from a website
Milligan, S n.d., The ABC, poem, All Poetry, viewed 2 May 2019, <>.

In text referencing

In this example the author Norman Klein is cited by Allan Cameron and the example is quoting Klein.

As the cultural critic Norman Klein stated in 1997, "the Romantics gloried in the ruins of memory" (cited in Cameron 2008, p. 57).


..."the Romantics gloried in the ruins of memory" (Klein cited in Cameron 2008, p. 57).

Reference list

Secondary Book Author Last Name, Initial(s) Year, Title of Secondary source, Publisher, Place of publication.

Cameron, A 2008, Modular narratives in contemporary cinema, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, NY.

  • Only use a secondary source reference if you cannot find the original work.
  • A secondary source is where the work of one author is cited in another author's work.
  • In the Reference List you only need to cite the book that you actually read. In the example above, only the Allan Cameron book is included in the reference list, not the Norman Klein book.
  • If you think it would be of interest to the reader, you may include the first name and year of the author of the quote but this is not required.  It is best to include this information in an author prominent sentence.  See example 1 above.

Reference list


Author Year of Publication, Title of extract, viewed Day Month Year, retrieved from Database name.

Euromonitor International 2018, Wine in Australia: Country report, viewed 3 October 2018, retrieved from Passport Database.


Author Year of Publication, Title of extract, viewed Day Month Year, Title of Website <URL>

Statista 2018, Number of Facebook users worldwide 2008-2018, viewed 12 September 2018, Statista: The Statista Portal <>

  • If the data came from a library database or a website, include the title of the database or website.
  • For government statistics (including statistics from the Australian Bureau of Statistics), please see Government Publications: Statistics (Print / Online).
In text referencing

Hanley, Watt and Coventry (2019) showed a significant correlation between taking a break from the use of social networking sites and subjective well-being.


If you include the table within your text:

Table 1. Correlation matrix between active and passive usage of Social Networking Sites (SNS) and Subjective Well-Being (SWB)

Correlation matrix






Note: Correlation results for usage of Social Networking Sites and Subjective Well-being. Reproduced from "Taking a Break: The effect of taking a vacation from Facebook and Instagram on subjective well-being", by S. Hanley, S. Watt & W. Coventry, 2019, PLoS One, 14, e0217743. Copyright 2019 by Hanley et al.

Reference list

Reference according to the style for the source where the Table is located.

For this example:

Journal Article : Article from a Journal Print or PDF (4 or more Authors)
Author, initial(s) Year of publication, 'Article title', Journal Title, vol. (volume number), no. (issue number if any), p./pp. (page numbers).

Hanley, S, Watt, S & Coventry, W 2019, 'Taking a break: The effect of taking a vacation from Facebook and Instagram on subjective well-being', PLoS ONE, vol. 14, no. 6, e0217743.

  • Tables typically present textual or numerical data in columns and rows. All other illustrations are Figures.
  • Tables and figures are numbered in separate sequences. All tables need to be numbered sequentially as they appear in text, e.g. Table 1, Table 2.
  • In-text reference should include author, date and page number. If author is not known, use Title.
  • In-text refer to Table No. rather than ‘table above’ or ‘table below’. Place table as close as possible to the paragraph that references the table. Do not place a table in the middle of a paragraph.
  • Notes are immediately below each table. Notes can include definitions and explanation of any abbreviations if needed.
  • IF the table is reproduced or adapted from another source the note must include a full citation and a Copyright Statement. This citation includes all elements of the reference in the order of Title, author, year of publication and source. The copyright statement is in the format, Copyright Year by Name of Copyright holder.
  • IF your work is going to be published, the Copyright Statement is followed by the permission statement, Reprinted [or Adapted] with permission. You ONLY add the permission statement if permission has been sought and granted.
In text referencing

Episode in a series

A recent Four Corners episode highlighted the difficulties of caring for disabled family members (Breaking point 2010)

TV program

Surfing culture in Australia was dominated by... (Bombora: the story of Australian surfing 2008)

Reference list

TV series

Episode Title, Series Title year of recording, format, publisher, place, date of broadcast.

Breaking Point, Four Corners 2010, television program, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Australia, 15 February.

TV program

Title year of recording, format, publisher, place, date of broadcast

Bombora: the story of Australian surfing 2008, television program, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Australia, 26 March 2009.

  • Place the Title in italics, and date of recording in the in text citation
  • If the program is part of a series put the episode title first followed by the series title both in italics
  • Add the broadcast date after the publication details

In-text Referencing

Direct Quotes:

Always include the page number in-text when using a direct quote.  If the resource does not include page numbers, omit that part of the in-text reference.

Author Notes:

Include the surname/s of the author and year. For example,


No author: The life of insects (1979, p. 23)  (The life of insects 1979, p. 23)


One author: Metcalf (2005, p. 184) (Metcalf 2005, p. 184)


Two to three authors: Savage, Bagnall and Longhurst (2005, p. 13)  (Savage, Bagnall & Longhurst 2005, p. 13)


Four or more authors: Kring et al. (2010, p. 71) (Kring et al. 2010, p. 72)


Group / corporate author: National Institute on Drug Abuse (2010)  (National Institute on Drug Abuse 2010)

Author Prominent

Metcalf (2005, p. 184) states that "the Nuer of southern Sudan lacked any institutions of governance; no chiefs or councils of elders, no armies or law enforcement".

Kring et al. (2010, p. 71) observe that “during the Dark Ages, some people with mental illness were cared for in monasteries, but many simply roamed the countryside”.

Information Prominent

"the Nuer of southern Sudan lacked any institutions of governance; no chiefs or council of elders, no armies or law enforcement" (Metcalf 2005, p. 184).

It has been suggested that “during the Dark Ages, some people with mental illness were cared for in monasteries, but many simply roamed the countryside” (Kring et al. 2010, p. 72).

"Most drugs of abuse directly or indirectly target the brain's reward system by flooding the circuit with dopamine" (National Institute on Drug Abuse 2010).


It is strongly recommended that you also include the page number(s) when paraphrasing.

Author Prominent

Metcalf (2005, p. 184) contends that critical anthropology is characterised by reflexivity rather than negativism.

Savage, Bagnall and Longhurst (2005, p. 13) argue that the demise of local identities posited by some sociologist over the last two centuries, has not been borne out.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, dopamine is released in the brain when most drugs of abuse are used (2010).

Information Prominent

Effective teaching is based on several... (Killen 2009, p.10)

The demise of local identities posited by some sociologist over the last two centuries, has not been borne out (Savage, Bagnall & Longhurst 2005, p. 13).