Social Media
Footnote |
Format Footnote Number. Author name (Screen name), “Text of post up to 280 characters, capitalised as the original”, Type of post, Month Day , Year. http://xxxxxxxxxxxxx. First entry: 1. La Trobe University library, “We've just launched our first ever Greek Archives digital exhibition! Discover traditional costumes from different regions of Greece in our Hellenic Folk Dress exhibition." Facebook, December 1, 2022. Comments on posts are usually cited in the text but if needed in a footnote, can be styled like this example: 2. Koula Karandaglidis Papagiannopoulos stated the "pride of wearing these costumes is priceless,” reply to La Trobe University Library December 1, 2022, Second and subsequent entries: 3. La Trobe Library, “First Greek Archive exhibition,” |
Bibliography | An entry in the bibliography is not usually required. See CMOS 14.106 for more information. |
Notes |
Footnote |
Format Footnote Number. Author First Name Surname, “Title of Post” Title of Blog(blog), Title of Publication where blog appears, Month day, year, URL. First entry: 1.Kate Ainsworth, “Qantas Boss Alan Joyce Says Airline ‘Back at its Best’ After ‘Routinely’ Disappointing Customers,” The Loop (blog), ABC News, February 3, 2023, Second or subsequent entries: 2.Kate Ainsworth, “Qantas Boss Alan Joyce Says Airline ‘Back at its Best’,” See 14.105 for more information. |
Bibliography |
Format Author of Post Last Name, First Name(s). "Title of the Post." Title of the Blog (blog). Title of Publication where blog appears, Month day, year. URL. Ainsworth, Kate. “Qantas Boss Alan Joyce Says Airline ‘Back at its Best’ After ‘Routinely’ Disappointing Customers.” The Loop (blog). ABC News, February 3, 2023. |
Notes |
Footnote |
Format Footnote Number. Author of post First Name Last Name, Month Day, Year, comment on Blog Author Last Name, “Blog Post” First entry: 1. Kel, November 16, 2022, comment on Kikken “How to Manage Soft Plastic Recycling.”
Bibliography |
Format Author of Post Last Name, First Name(s). "Title of the Post." Title of the Blog (blog). Title of Publication where blog appears, Month day, year. URL. Kikken, Natalie. “How to Manage Soft Plastic Recycling.” CSIROscope (blog). November 16, 2022. |
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