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Websites - downloaded documents

Referencing documents downloaded from websites


Usually a ‘document from a website’ will be a PDF, Word or other document type that opens or downloads.

  • Reference these types of standalone documents like you would a book (see CMOS 14.117) :
    • Pamphlets
    • Corporate reports
    • Brochures
    • Government reports
    • Annual reports
    • Other types of ‘grey’ literature.
  • If information is on the website itself (i.e. NOT downloaded) please see how to reference: Websites and Webpages.
  • How you reference a source depends on what version you have viewed.

Documents from websites - downloaded, pdfs etc.



Footnote Number. Organisation / Association / Corporation / Department Name, Title of Report: Subtitle of Report, (Name of Publisher, Year of publication), URL if online, page(s).

First entry:

1. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Annual Report 2021-22, (DFAT, 2022),, 35.

2. Forest & Wood Products Australia, FWPA Strategic Plan 2020-25, (FWPA, 2020),, 10.

Second and subsequent entries:

3. DFAT, Annual Report 2021-22, 36.

4. Forest and Wood Products, FWPA Strategic Plan 2020-25, 15.



Organisation / Association / Corporation / Department Name. Title of Report: Subtitle of Report. Name of Publisher, Year of publication. URL if online.

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.  Annual Report 2021-22. DFAT, 2022.

Forest & Wood Products Australia.  FWPA Strategic Plan 2020-25. FWPA, 2020.

  • Anything consulted online needs to have URL included. The URL for downloaded documents will be the landing page – the place where the link to the pdf is – all the other details for the reference come from what’s in the pdf (including pages numbers) repeated in Notes for all the docs in this section
  • Some elements of the reference may be missing – include as a much information as possible so the reader can find the source. (Do not put in details that do not actually exist)
  • ‘Author name’ can often be an organisation or government department – you may find that publisher and author will then be the same – this is fine – include them both.
  • If you have sourced from a library database you can put in the name of the database as well as the URL - you can also leave out the URL and just use the database name if the URL link is very long and unwieldy (MarketLine for example).


Footnote Number. Organisation Name, Title of Publication, (Publisher, Year of Publication), URL if online, page(s).

First entry:

1. Australian Association of Social Workers, AASW Code of Ethics, (AASW, 2020),, 15.

Second and subsequent entries:

2. Australian Association of Social Workers, AASW Code of Ethics, 6.


3. AASW Code of Ethics, 6.

In the footnote it is ok to use just the title of the report as the author name appears in the title – see CMOS 13.80.



Organisation Name. Title of Publication. Publisher, Year of Publication.  URL if online.

Australian Association of Social Workers. AASW Code of Ethics. AASW, 2020.


AASW (Australian Association of Social Workers). AASW Code of Ethics. AASW, 2020.

  • When the author name appears in the title or subtitle of a work, the footnote can begin with the title.
  • Note the bibliography has to start with the author name – even if its repeated in the title.
  • If it’s a document from a website (rather than the website itself - see websites and webpages), then format the reference according to Books  - i.e. the Title of the Document is in italics.
  • Anything consulted online needs to have URL included. The URL for downloaded documents will be the landing page – the place where the link to the PDF is – all the other details for the reference come from what’s in the PDF (including pages numbers).


Footnote Number. Author First name Last Name [or Organisation Name OR Publisher Name for a database], Title of Report: Subtitle of Report, (Name of Database/Publisher, Year of publication), [URL if online], page(s).

First entry: (examples are from a database)

1. MarketLine, High-Protein Snacking Innovations: Opportunities Beyond Sports Consumers [Case Study MLCS0004-045], MarketLine, 2024,

2. IbisWorld, Woolworths Group Limited [Premium Company Profile], IbisWorld, 2024,

Second and subsequent entries:

3. IbisWorld, Woolworths Group, 15

4. MarketLine, High-Protein Snacking Innovations, 6


Format (examples from a database)

Author Last name, First Name(s) [or Organisation Name OR Publisher Name for a database]. Title of Report: Subtitle of Report. Name of Database/Publisher, Year of publication.  [URL if online].

MarketLine. High-Protein Snacking Innovations: Opportunities Beyond Sports Consumers [Case Study MLCS0004-045]. MarketLine, 2024. .

IbisWorld. Woolworths Group Limited [Premium Company Profile]. IbisWorld, 2024.

  • Formatted like a book - if consulted online include URL.
  • For shortened footnotes - add pages numbers or other locators after the title and preceded with a comma.
  • Download the documents and use the pages from there.




Footnote Number. Government Department, Title of Work: Subtitle of Work, by Author’s First Name(s) Last Name, Report number or other identifying information, Year of publication, http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, page(s)

First entry:

1. National Centre for Longitudinal Data. Domestic Violence in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC), by Helene Shin, Helen Rogers, and Vincci Law, Research Summary 2/2015, Commonwealth of Australia, 2016.

2. Victorian Government. Department of Premier and Cabinet, Safe and Strong: A Victorian Gender Equality Strategy, 2016,, 14.

Second and subsequent entries:

3. Victorian Government, Safe and Strong, 16.



Government Department. Title of Work: Subtitle of Work, by Author's First Name(s) Last Name. Report number or other identifying information. Publisher, Year of publication.  http://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

National Centre for Longitudinal Data. Domestic Violence in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC), by Helene Shin, Helen Rogers, and Vincci Law. Research Summary 2/2015. Commonwealth of Australia, 2016.

Victorian Government. Department of Premier and Cabinet. Safe and Strong: A Victorian Gender Equality Strategy. Victorian Government, 2016.

  • Include this information where you have it and in this order:
    • Name of government / government department, year of publication, Title of Document /Collection, name of individual author(s) if named, report number or other identifying info if given (eg publisher for freestanding documents), page numbers/other locators if relevant, URL, or name or database if online.
  • Omit any detail that is not available.




Footnote Number. Author First name(s) Last Name [Organisation Name OR Publisher Name for a database], Title of Report: Subtitle of Report, (Name of Database/Publisher, Year of publication), [URL if online], page(s).

First entry:

1. Euromonitor International, Digital Transformation in Fashion: Lessons from China, Analysis Briefing November 15, 2022, (Passport),

Second and subsequent entries:

2. Euromonitor International, Digital Transformation in Fashion, Slide 6.



Author #1 Last Name, First name [Organisation Name OR Publisher Name for a database]. Title of Report: Subtitle of Report. Name of Database/Publisher, Year of publication. [URL if online].

Publisher as Author

Euromonitor International. Digital Transformation in Fashion: Lessons from China. Analysis Briefing November 15, 2022. Passport.

Person as Author

Burgio-Ficca, Claudia. Specialty Chocolate Stores in Australia. Australian Specialized Industry Report OD5411. IBISWorld, 2022.

  • Formatted like a book - if consulted online include URL.
  • For shortened footnote - add pages numbers or other locators after the title and preceded with a comma.


Footnote Number. Authorising Body (or Authors/Editors), Title of Publication or Topic, (Publisher, Year of publication), URL if online, page(s).

First entry:

1. UNHCR, Global Report 2022, (UNHCR, n.d.),

Second and subsequent entries:

2. UNHCR, Global Report, 5.



Authorising Body (or Authors/Editors). Title of Publication or Topic.  Publisher, Year of publication. URL if online.

UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees). Global Report 2022. UNHCR, n.d.

  • Formatted like a book - if consulted online include URL.
  • Identify authorising body (or authors/editors), the title or topic, the publisher and date of publication. Include series or any other identifying information.
  • Omit any detail that is not available.


Note number. Author First name Last name [Organisation Name], Title of Brochure/Pamphlet: Subtitle of Brochure/Pamphlet, Publisher, Year of publication, [URL if online].

First entry:

1. Department of Health and Human Services, Hamburger Food Safety, Victorian Government, 2017.

2. Carers Victoria, What Carers Do Every Day is Truly Incredible: They Care for Others: We Care About Them, Brochure, (Carers Victoria, 2022),

Second and subsequent entries:

3. Carers Victoria, What Carers Do Every Day, 2.


Format - Print

Author #1 Last Name, First name [Organisation Name]. Title of Brochure/Pamphlet: Subtitle of Brochure/Pamphlet. Publisher, Year of publication.

Department of Health and Human Services. Hamburger Food Safety. Victorian Government, 2017.

Format - Online

Author #1 Last Name, First name [Organisation Name]. Title of Brochure/Pamphlet: Subtitle of Brochure/Pamphlet. Publisher, Year of publication.  [URL if online].

Better Health Channel. How to Cope and Stay Safe in Extreme Heat. Brochure. Victorian Government, 2015.

Carers Victoria. What Carers Do Every Day is Truly Incredible: They Care for Others: We Care About Them. Brochure. Carers Victoria, 2022.

  • Pamphlets and brochures are treated essentially as books.
  • Where authors or publishers don't fit the usual book format, include as much information as possible to identify the document.
  • Anything consulted online needs to have URL included. The URL for downloaded documents will be the landing page – the place where the link to the PDF is – all the other details for the reference come from what’s in the PDF (including pages numbers).


Footnote Number. Title of Standard, Edition, Standard number/label, (Publisher, Year of publication), [URL if online].

First entry:

1. Pressure Equipment: Qualification of Welders, Welding Supervisors and Welding Inspectors,5th ed, AS 1796, Standards Australia, 2022,

Second and subsequent entries:

2. Pressure Equipment: Qualification of Welders, 15.



Standards Organisation Name, (or Industry Body Name). Title of Standard. Edition. Standard number/label. Publisher, Year of publication. [URL if online].

Standards Australia. Pressure Equipment: Qualification of Welders, Welding Supervisors and Welding Inspectors. 5th ed. AS 1796. Standards Australia, 2022.

  • Anything consulted online needs to have URL included.
  • Some elements of the reference may be missing – include as a much information as possible so the reader can find the source.
  • Standards are usually published by national and international bodies (e.g. ISO or AS) and the footnote can be cited by title.
  • In the bibliography list the standard under the organization name and include the title of the standard in italics, an edition or identifying number/label, and the publication information.
  • If organisation and the publisher are the same, an abbreviation can be used in the publisher position.



Footnote Number. Author First Name Last name [or Organisation Name OR Publisher Name for a database], Title of Report: Subtitle of Report, Name of Database/Publisher, Year of publication, [URL if online], page(s).

First entry:

1. Marketline Industry Statistics Dashboard, (Marketline, 2022),

Second and subsequent entries:

2. Marketline Industry Statistics Dashboard, graph 3.

(Note - Database name contained in title so leading with title).

Format (eg. from a Database)

Author Last Name, First name [or Organisation Name OR Publisher Name for a database]. Title of Report: Subtitle of Report. Name of Database/Publisher, Year of publication. [URL if online].

Marketline.  Marketline Industry Statistics Dashboard. Marketline, 2022.

  • When you use something like Marketline (a database) and use some statistics from it - in the end you are able to download the document/diagram/pdf, so it can be referenced like other reports - ie Title in italics.
  • Anything consulted online needs to have URL included.
  • Some elements of the reference may be missing – include as a much information as possible so the reader can find the source.
  • See also - Statistics on the Websites and Webpages page.


Footnote Number. Organisation / Association / Corporation / Department Name, Title of Report: Subtitle of Report, Report number, (Publisher, Year of publication), [URL if online], page(s)

First entry:

1. Perry L. Poulton, Elizabeth A. Meier, and Heidi Horan, Determining Crop Productivity Potential for the Pilbara: Opportunities from Irrigated Agriculture in Intensive Beef Feeding System, (CSIRO, 2020),, 76

Second and subsequent entries:

2. Poulton et al., Determining Crop Productivity Potential, 54.



Organisation / Association / Corporation / Department Name. Title of Report: Subtitle of Report. Report number. Publisher, Year of publication.  [URL if online].

Poulton, Perry L., Elizabeth A. Meier, and Heidi Horan. Determining Crop Productivity Potential for the Pilbara: Opportunities from Irrigated Agriculture in Intensive Beef Feeding Systems. CSIRO, 2020.

  • If applicable, the Technical or Research Report number should follow the title.
  • If retrieved online, include URL
  • For shortened footnotes - add page numbers or other locators after the title and preceded with a comma.