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Visual art sources



Footnote Number. Artist First Name Last Name, Title, Year, medium, size, Location/Gallery/Place of work, City/State where located.

First entry:

1. Pablo Picasso, Weeping Woman, 1937, oil on canvas, 55.2 x 46.2 cm, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne.

Second and subsequent entries:

2. Picasso, Weeping Woman.

See: CMOS 14.133 – Citing Paintings, Photographs, and Sculpture.



Artist Last Name, First Name. Title of the Work. Date of the work. Medium, dimensions. Location/Gallery/Place of work, City/State where located.

Picasso, Pablo. Weeping Woman. 1937. Oil on canvas, 55.2 x 46.2 cm. National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne.
  • According to CMOS 14.133 information about artworks (all forms) can just be placed in-text.If a formal citation is required it can be added as a footnote only, or added both as a footnote and to the Bibliography.
  • For a formal citation include the following: Artist, a Title (in italics), a date of creation/completion, followed by information about the medium and location of the work.
  • Include the dimensions if you have the information available.
  • For artworks consulted online add URL.


Exhibitions are referred to in your text only.   

For example,
We saw the exhibition Triceratops: Fate of the Dinosaurs when we went to the Melbourne Museum earlier this year.


There is no mention of how the actual exhibition should be formatted in a bibliography.

But see Exhibition catalogue on the next tab.

  • CMOS 8.204 indicates that the names of large world fairs and exhibitions are capitalised but NOT italics.
  • Titles of smaller exhibitions like at a museum are capitalised and in italics.


Footnote Number. Author or Organisation First Name Last Name, Title (Publisher, Year), page locator.
First entry:

3. Clarissa M. Esguerra et al., eds., Alexander McQueen: Mind, Mythos, Muse (National Gallery of Victoria, 2022), exh. cat.

Second and subsequent entries:

4. Esguerra et al., Alexander McQueen.

See: CMOS 14.134 – Citing Exhibition Catalogs.



Author or Organisation Last Name, First Name. Title of the Catalogue. (Publisher, Year). Published in conjunction with an exhibition of the same name, organised by and presented at the Name of Place where held and date range of the exhibition.

Esguerra, Clarissa M., Michaela Hansen with Katie Somerville and Danielle Whitfield, eds. Alexander McQueen: Mind, Mythos, Muse. Melbourne: National Gallery of Victoria. Published in conjunction with an exhibition of the same name, organised by and presented at the National Gallery of Victoria December 11, 2022 - April 14, 2023.

OR, if space is tight,

Author/Editor Last Name, First Name(s) (or Organisation as Author). Year.  Title of the Catalogue, Place of Publication: Publisher. Exhibition  catalogue.

Esguerra, Clarissa M., Michaela Hansen with Katie Somerville and Danielle Whitfield, eds. Alexander McQueen: Mind, Mythos, Muse. (National Gallery of Victoria, 2022). Exhibition catalogue.

  • CMOS 14.134 indicates that exhibition catalogues and brochures that are often available about an exhibition are formatted as if they are books.
  • The abbreviation exh. cat. is used for Exhibition Catalog in the Footnote.



Footnote Number. Artist First Name Last Name, Title, Year, medium, size, Location/Gallery/Place of work, City/State where located, Database, URL.

First entry:

5. Louis-Jean Desprez and Francesco Piranesi, The Girandola, Fireworks at the Castel Sant’Angelo on Easter Monday, 1784, During the Visit to Rome of King Charles Gustave III of Sweden, c.1784, etching with hand-colouring, 27 3/4 x 19 1/8 in. (70.5 x 48.6 cm), Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Artstor.

Second and subsequent entries:

6. Desprez and Piranesi, The Girandola.

See: CMOS 14.133 – Citing Paintings, Photographs, and Sculpture.



Artist Last Name, First Name. Title of the Work. Date of the work. Medium, dimensions. Location/Gallery/Place of work, City/State where located. Name of the Database, URL.

Desprez, Louis-Jean and Francesco Piranesi.  The Girandola, Fireworks at the Castel Sant'Angelo on Easter Monday, 1784, During the Visit to Rome of King Charles Gustave III of Sweden. c.1784.  Etching with hand-colouring, 27 3/4 x 19 1/8 in. (70.5 x 48.6 cm). Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Artstor,

  • This is where the image is referred to, but NOT included as an actual image in your work.
  • If you insert it as an image then see Images , Figures and Tables for how to reference - you will need to acknowledge under the image as well as in the Bibliography.


Footnote Number. Artist First Name Last Name, "Title", Year, medium, size, in Title, ed. First Name Last Name (Publisher, Year), page locator, URL.

First entry:

7. Caravaggio, “The Entombment”, 1602-1603, reproduced illustration in Carravaggio 1571-1610, ed. Gilles Lambert (Taschen, 2000), 74.

Second and subsequent entries:

8. Caravaggio, “The Entombment”, 74.

See: 13.33 Basic structure of the short form for more information.



Artist Last Name, First Name. "Title". Year, medium, size, in Title, ed. First Name Last Name. Publisher, Year.

Caravaggio.  “The Entombment”. 1602-1603.  In Carravaggio 1571-1610, ed. Gilles Lambert. Taschen, 2000.

  • This is how to reference an illustration in a book, that you have only discussed in the text.
  • If you insert it as an image then see Images , Figures and Tables for how to reference - you will need to acknowledge under the image as well as in the Bibliography.



Footnote Number. Artist First Name Last Name, Title, Year, medium, size, Location/Gallery/Place of work, City/State where located, at Webpage title, Website Owner First Name Last Name, URL.

First entry:

9. Rita Ackermann, When Sunny Expands, 1997, 12-inch vinyl record with painted cover and popouts,12 1/2 × 12 1/2 in. (31.8 × 31.8 cm), Museum of Modern Art, New York, at Arts and artists, MoMA,

Second and subsequent entries:

10. Ackermann, “When Sunny Expands”.

See: 13.33 Basic structure of the short form for more information.



Artist Last Name First Name. Title. Year. Medium, size. Publisher/Webpage Owner, Year of Webpage. URL.

Ackermann, Rita. When Sunny Expands. 1997. 12-inch vinyl record with painted cover and popouts,12 1/2 × 12 1/2" (31.8 × 31.8 cm).  MoMA, 2025.

  • This is where the image is referred to, but NOT included as an actual image in your work.
  • If you insert it as an image then see Images , Figures and Tables for how to reference - you will need to acknowledge under the image as well as in the Bibliography.
  • NOTE: CMOS provides no definitive suggestions, treated here similar to a painting in a book, but altered to illustration on a webpage.