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Journal articles


With a DOI

Author, ‘Article Title’, Periodical Title, volume/issue (year), Page(s). DOI

Lila Corwin Berman, ‘Jewish Urban Politics in the City and Beyond’, The Journal of American History, 99/2 (2012), 493.

Without a DOI - use URL


With a DOI

Author, ‘Article Title’, Periodical Title, volume/issue (year), Page extent. DOI

Berman, Lila Corwin, ‘Jewish Urban Politics in the City and Beyond’, The Journal of American History, 99/2 (2012), 492-519.

Without DOI - use URL

  • Most academic articles will come from Library subscriptions and will be online - you can choose to use the web version of an article but if there is a pdf version, it can be downloaded and will have page number so is easier to cite if using quotes (otherwise use para. or some other method to pinpoint the quotes in online articles).
  • Accessed dates not required for academic articles accessed via Library Search or our databases.
  • There are some academic  articles which wont have a DOI - you can put in the URL.

Author, ‘Article title’, Journal Title [online journal], volume/issue (year), page or para. number, URL, access date.

Christian R. Gelder, ‘The Passion for Knowledge’, Australian Humanities Review, 77 (June 2024), para. 4., accessed 21 August 2024.


Author, ‘Article title’, Journal Title [online journal], volume/issue (year), page extent if relevant, URL, access date.

Gelder, Christian R., ‘The Passion for Knowledge’, Australian Humanities Review, 77 (June 2024)., accessed 21 August 2024.

  • If an article is available on a web page only and there is no DOI, provide the URL and the date accessed.
  • If an online article has no pages numbers, provide paragraph references.
  • The example above is a freely accessible online journal that do not require login
  • If you are also unsure about the quality of an online journal, contact the librarians at your campus library

‘Article Title’, Journal Title, volume/issue (year), page(s).

‘Digital Design and Building: Open BIM or closed BIM?’, Steel Construction, 10/2 (May 2017), 198.


‘Article Title’, Journal Title, volume/issue (year), page extent.

‘Digital Design and Building: Open BIM or closed BIM?’, Steel Construction, 10/2 (May 2017), 198.

  • If an article has no known author (i.e. if it is anonymous) list it alphabetically by its title in the bibliography.

Author, ‘Article Title’, Journal Title, in press (OR advance online publication OR early view), page(s) used.

Sanna Strand, and Fia Cottrell-Sundevall, 'Selling Soldiering: Marketisation, Gender Complementarity and the Promise of Military Femininity in 1990s Sweden.” Gender & History, early view (2024),17.


Author, ‘Article Title’, Journal Title, in press (OR advance online publication OR early view) , page extent.

 Strand, Sanna, and Cottrell-Sundevall, Fia, 'Selling soldiering: Marketisation, Gender Complementarity and the Promise of Military Femininity in 1990s Sweden.” Gender & History, early view (2024),1–19.

  • Use "in press" for an academic article accepted for publication in a future issues of a journal. There wont be a date.
  • Sometimes you will find that there are online articles that are "advance online publication" or "early view" which means it is available online early but has not been included in an issue.
  • These type of articles may not have a DOI - just use the journals home page URL.
  • These article may not have volume or issue numbers either - just leave this information out.

Single article

Author(s), ‘Article Title’, Periodical Title, volume/issue (year), Page(s). DOI

Louise St Guillaume, ‘Disability Policy and the Whitlam Government’ Australian Journal of Politics and History 70/2 (June 2024), 190.

Whole issue

Author(s)/Editor(s), ‘Special Issue Title', Periodical Title, volume/issue (year), Page(s). DOI

Jenny Hocking and Paul Williams, eds., ‘Special Issue: The 50th Anniversary of the Whitlam Government’, Australian Journal of Politics and History 70/2 (June 2024), 172.


Single article

Author(s), ‘Article Title’, Periodical Title, volume/issue (year), Page extent. DOI

St Guillaume, Louise,  ‘Disability Policy and the Whitlam Government’ Australian Journal of Politics and History 70/2 (June 2024), 188-210.

Whole issue

Author(s)/Editor(s), ‘Special Issue Title’, Periodical Title, volume/issue (year), Page extent. DOI

Hocking, Jenny and Williams, Paul, eds., ‘Special Issue: The 50th Anniversary of the Whitlam Government’, Australian Journal of Politics and History 70/2 (June 2024), 169-378.

  • Special issues of a journal focus on a single theme - the numbering is usually the same volume and issue sequence - issue numbers maybe combined if its a double issue. The special issue may have a separate editor and title of its own.
  • When citing, you can be referring to an article within the special issue / supplement OR the whole special issue / supplement
  • Supplements are usually numbered separately to the regular issues.
  • The example above is an example of a special issue.