Other sources
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NAA: series number, item number. NAA: A6122, 366. PROV, series/consignment numbers, Unit number, item description. PROV, VPRS 805/P0004, Unit 3, 1/6. |
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National Archives of Australia: name of the agency or person that created the record; series title and date extent; item title and date extent. National Archives of Australia: Australian Security Intelligence Organization, Central Office; Communist Party of Australia. Activity amongst British Migrants – Volume 1, 1951-1953 (Canberra). PROV, Agency number and name, series/consignment numbers and series title, Unit number, item description. PROV, VA 311 Trustees of the National Gallery of Victoria, VPRS 805/P0004 Inward Registered Correspondence, Unit 3, 1/6 Exhibitions – British and Australian War Artists. |
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Artist/s, Title, Year/s of creation, [format], current location (if a work of art), fig number (if a copy is in the appendix). Francois Boucher, The Birth of Venus, 1740, [painting], Stockholm National Gallery. |
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Artist/s, Title, Year/s of creation, [format], current location (if a work of art). Boucher, Francois, The Birth of Venus, 1740, [painting], Stockholm National Gallery. |
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Author/s, ‘Title of conference paper’, paper given at Name of Conference, City of conference, date of conference, URL, access date, page extent. Wan Ng, ‘Effective E-Pedagogy for Virtual Science Learning with High Ability Secondary School Students’, paper given at the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Education and Educational Technology, Iwate, 4-6 Oct. 2010, 9. Bradley Bowden, ‘A World Dominated by Youth: Child and Youth Labour in Queensland, 1885-1900’, paper given at the Past is Before Us Conference, Sydney, 30 June – 2 July 2005, http://www.historycooperative.org/proceedings/asslh/bowden.html, accessed 30 Nov. 2012, 12. Jonathan Strauss, ‘How Was Labour Divided? Working Class Politics in the 1940s’, paper given at Labour Traditions: The Tenth National Labour History Conference, Melbourne, 4-6 July 2007, http://www.historycooperative.org/proceedings/asslh2/strauss.html, accessed 30 Nov. 2012, 25. |
Bibliography |
Author/s, ‘Title of conference paper’, paper given at Name of Conference, City of conference, date of conference, URL, access date. Bowden, Bradley, ‘A World Dominated by Youth: Child and Youth Labour in Queensland, 1885-1900’, paper given at the Past is Before Us Conference, Sydney, 30 June – 2 July 2005, http://www.historycooperative.org/proceedings/asslh/bowden.html, accessed 30 Nov. 2012. Ng, Wan, ‘Effective E-Pedagogy for Virtual Science Learning with High Ability Secondary School Students’, paper given at the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Education and Educational Technology, Iwate, 4-6 Oct. 2010. Strauss, Jonathan, ‘How Was Labour Divided? Working Class Politics in the 1940s’, paper given at Labour Traditions: The Tenth National Labour History Conference, Melbourne, 4-6 July 2007, http://www.historycooperative.org/proceedings/asslh2/strauss.html, accessed 30 Nov. 2012. |
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Lecturer name, ‘Lecture title or Week of presentation’ [type of material, i.e. PowerPoint slides], Subject code or name, University name, date of presentation, URL if available online, access date if online, page extent (if relevant). Diane Kirkby, ‘Lecture 14: Women in Warrior Societies: Myth Legend and History’ [PowerPoint slides], HIS1MLH, La Trobe University, 17 Sep. 2012, https://lms.latrobe.edu.au/mod/resource/view.php?id=785851, accessed 3 Dec. 2012, 18. Dirk Tomsa, ‘Lecture 5: Case Studies in Democracy and Authoritarianism’ [PowerPoint slides], POL1DEM, La Trobe University, 1 Aug. 2012, 11. Anna Dzenis, ‘Lecture 2: Global Cinema’ [lecture notes], CST2CFI, La Trobe University, 1 Aug. 2012, 2. Alexis Harley, ‘Lecture 12: Literary Patchworking’ [lectopia recording], ENG1TOT, La Trobe University, 14 May 2012. |
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Lecturer Name, ‘Lecture title or Week of presentation’ [type of material, i.e. PowerPoint slides], Subject code/name, University name, date of presentation, URL if available online, access date if online. Dzenis, Anna, ‘Lecture 2: Global Cinema’ [lecture notes], CST2CFI, La Trobe University, 1 Aug. 2012. Harley, Alexis, ‘Lecture 12: Literary Patchworking’ [lectopia recording], ENG1TOT, La Trobe University, 14 May 2012. Kirkby, Diana, ‘Lecture 14: Women in Warrior Societies: Myth Legend and History’ [PowerPoint slides], HIS1MLH, La Trobe University, 17 Sep. 2012, https://lms.latrobe.edu.au/mod/resource/view.php?id=785851, accessed 3 Dec. 2012. Tomsa, Dirk, ‘Lecture 5: Case Studies in Democracy and Authoritarianism’ [PowerPoint slides], POL1DEM, La Trobe University, 1 Aug. 2012. |
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Author, Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year) in Early English Books Online [online database], access date. Geoffrey Chaucer, The Lyf So Short the Craft So Lo[n]ge to Lerne (Westminster: W. Caxton, 1477) in Early English Books Online [online database], accessed 10 Dec. 2012. |
Bibliography |
Author, Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year) in Early English Books Online [online database], access date. Chaucer, Geoffrey, The Lyf So Short the Craft So Lo[n]ge to Lerne (Westminster: W. Caxton, 1477) in Early English Books Online [online database], accessed 10 Dec. 2012. |
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Author (if known), Title [format] (Year), URL, access date. Poster, ‘When the Kellys Rode’ (film), Australia, c 1930s [poster] (c. 1930), http://www.powerhousemuseum.com/collection/database/?irn=23373, accessed 4 Dec. 2012. Jane Doe, Untitled, 2012 [photograph], fig. 4. |
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Author, Title of Report (Year), URL, page extent or para. number, access date. Amnesty International, Amnesty International Report 2012: The State of the World’s Human Rights (London: Amnesty International Ltd, 2012), 67. Medecins sans Frontieres, International Financial Report 2011 (2011), http://www.msf.org/shadomx/apps/fms/fmsdownload.cfm?file_uuid=440A73C7-59B0-4D4D-B7C7-C19D432D861F&siteName=msf, 6, accessed 30 Nov. 2012. |
Bibliography |
Author, Title of Report (Year), URL, page extent, access date. Amnesty International, Amnesty International Report 2012: The State of the World’s Human Rights (London: Amnesty International Ltd, 2012). Medecins sans Frontieres, International Financial Report 2011 (2011), http://www.msf.org/shadomx/apps/fms/fmsdownload.cfm?file_uuid=440A73C7-59B0-4D4D-B7C7-C19D432D861F&siteName=msf, 6, accessed 30 Nov. 2012. |
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Artist/Creator, Title of artwork, Year/s of creation, current location (if work of art), in Name of database [online database], access date. Sandro Botticelli, Birth of Venus, c. 1482, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, in ARTStor [online database], accessed 30 Nov. 2012. Vasily Kandinsky, Composition IX, 1936, Musee National d’Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris, in Grove Art Online [online database], accessed 30 Nov. 2012. |
Bibliography |
Artist/Creator, Title of artwork, Year/s of creation, current location (if work of art), in Name of database [online database], access date. Botticelli, Sandro, Birth of Venus, c. 1482, Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence, in ARTstor [online database], accessed 30 Nov. 2012. Kandinsky, Vasily, Composition IX, 1936, Musee National d’Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris, in Grove Art Online [online database], accessed 30 Nov. 2012. |
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Creator, ‘Title of Artwork’, Year of creation, in Book Author, Title of Book (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page extent/plate number/figure number. Giovanni Bellini, ‘San Giobbe Altarpiece’, 1478, in Geraldine A. Johnson, Renaissance Art: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford: OUP, 2005), 18. Michaelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, ‘Entombment of Christ’, 1602-1603, in Andrew Graham-Dixon, Caravaggio: A Life Sacred and Profane (London: Allen Lane, 2010), pl. 3. |
Bibliography |
Creator, ‘Title of Artwork’, Year of creation, in Book Author, Title of Book (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication). Bellini, Giovanni, ‘San Giobbe Altarpiece’, 1478, in Geraldine A. Johnson, Renaissance Art: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford: OUP, 2005). Caravaggio, Michaelangelo Merisi da, ‘Entombment of Christ’, 1602-1603, in Andrew Graham-Dixon, Caravaggio: A Life Sacred and Profane (London: Allen Lane, 2010). |
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Name of creator (if known), Title of image [image], (Date of publication), URL, access date. Barack Obama, Four More Years [image], (7 Nov. 2012), https://twitter.com/BarackObama/status/266031293945503744/photo/1, accessed 27 Nov. 2012. Tracey Emin, My Bed [image], (1998), http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/artists/tracey_emin.htm, accessed 27 Nov. 2012. Melbourne Rally in Support of the Labor Party After the Double Dissolution of Parliament, 1975 [image], (1975), http://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/scripts/PhotoSearchItemDetail.asp?M=0&B=11444580&SE=1, accessed 30 Nov. 2012. Stewart & Co., AMS, taken 1877 [Adelaide Margaret Singleton] [image], (1877), http://handle.slv.vic.gov.au/10381/124516, accessed 3 Dec. 2012. |
Bibliography |
Name of creator (if known), Title of image [image], (Date of publication), URL, access date. Emin, Tracey, My Bed [image], (1998), http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/artists/tracey_emin.htm, accessed 27 Nov. 2012. Melbourne Rally in Support of the Labor Party After the Double Dissolution of Parliament, 1975 [image], (1975), http://recordsearch.naa.gov.au/scripts/PhotoSearchItemDetail.asp?M=0&B=11444580&SE=1, accessed 30 Nov. 2012. Obama, Barack, Four More Years [image], (7 Nov. 2012), https://twitter.com/BarackObama/status/266031293945503744/photo/1, accessed 27 Nov. 2012. Stewart & Co., AMS, taken 1877 [Adelaide Margaret Singleton] [image], (1877), http://handle.slv.vic.gov.au/10381/124516, accessed 3 Dec. 2012. |
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Interviewee, ‘Title of interview’ [sound recording] (Publisher/Institution name, year), URL, access date. Viola Tait, ‘Viola Tait interviewed by Michelle Potter’ [sound recording] (National Library of Australia, 1994), http://nla.gov.au/nla.oh-vn513201, accessed 10 Dec. 2012. |
Bibliography |
Interviewee, ‘Title of interview’ [sound recording] (Publisher/Institution name, year), URL, access date. Tait, Viola, ‘Viola Tait interviewed by Michelle Potter’ [sound recording] (National Library of Australia, 1994), http://nla.gov.au/nla.oh-vn513201, accessed 10 Dec. 2012. |
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Map maker, ‘Title of map’, Map Series, Sheet number, scale (Place of publication: Publisher, Year). Map maker, ‘Title of map’, Map Series, Sheet number, scale [online], (Year), URL, access date. Victoria, Department of Minerals and Energy, Mineral Map, Victoria, 1:1,000,000 (Melbourne: Victorian Department of Minerals and Energy, 1981). Drafting Services Section, Victoria’s Alpine Area, 1:300,000 (Melbourne: Department of Conservation and Environment, 1991). Great Britain, Army, Middle East Forces, Trench Map from Quinns to Lone Pine: Compiled from Photographs and Traverses: Contours Compared with Enlargement of 1/20,000 Turkish Map, Sheet 11, 1:1,800 [online], (1915), http://nla.gov.au/nla.map-vn5448242, accessed 4 Dec. 2012. Victoria, Surveyor General’s Office, ‘Parish of Anakie, County of Grant’, Parish Maps of Victoria, Sheet 181 [online], (1855), http://handle.slv.vic.gov.au/10381/89694, accessed 4 Dec. 2012. |
Bibliography |
Map maker, ‘Title of map’, Map Series, Sheet number, scale (Place of publication: Publisher, Year) Map maker, ‘Title of map’, Map Series, Sheet number, scale [online], (Year), URL, access date. Victoria, Department of Minerals and Energy, Mineral Map, Victoria, 1:1,000,000 (Melbourne: Victorian Department of Minerals and Energy, 1981). Drafting Services Section, Victoria’s Alpine Area, 1:300,000 (Melbourne: Department of Conservation and Environment, 1991). Great Britain, Army, Middle East Forces, Trench Map from Quinns to Lone Pine: Compiled from Photographs and Traverses: Contours Compared with Enlargement of 1/20,000 Turkish Map, Sheet 11, 1:1,800 [online], (1915), http://nla.gov.au/nla.map-vn5448242, accessed 4 Dec. 2012. Victoria, Surveyor General’s Office, ‘Parish of Anakie, County of Grant’, Parish Maps of Victoria, Sheet 181 [online], (1855), http://handle.slv.vic.gov.au/10381/89694, accessed 4 Dec. 2012. |
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Author, Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), page extent. Diane Fields, The Fight for Black Rights (Sydney South: Bookmarks Australia, 1995), 7. |
Bibliography |
Author, Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), page extent. Fields, Diane, The Fight for Black Rights (Sydney South: Bookmarks Australia, 1995). |
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Name, ‘Title of communication/subject’ [type of communication], date of correspondence, figure number (if including a photocopy in the appendix), paragraph number. John Doe, ‘Email interview’ [email to Jane Doe], 8 July 2010, fig. 8, para. 13. |
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Author, ‘Title of speech’, speech in the House of Lords, date, URL, paragraph, access date. Lord Bilimoria, ‘Minority Ethnic and Religious Communities: Cultural and Economic Contribution – Motion to Take Note’, speech in the House of Lords, 24 May 2012, http://www.theyworkforyou.com/lords/?gid=2012-05-24a.865.2, 4, accessed 10 Dec. 2012. Jurisdiction, Parliamentary Debates, Chamber of the House, Date, page reference (Name and Position of speaker). Commonwealth, Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, 9 Oct. 2012, 11581 (Julia Gillard, Prime Minister). Author/s, Title of video [video], (Publisher, Date created), URL, access date. Julia Gillard’s Speech Over Opposition’s Sexism, Misogyny [video] (newsInworld, 9 Oct. 2012), http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfo3SGIiSE0, accessed 10 Dec. 2012. |
Bibliography |
Jurisdiction, Parliamentary Debates, Chamber of the House, Date, page reference (Name and Position of speaker). Commonwealth, Parliamentary Debates, House of Representatives, 9 Oct. 2012, 11581 (Julia Gillard, Prime Minister). Author/s, Title of video [video], (Publisher, Date created), URL, access date. Julia Gillard’s Speech Over Opposition’s Sexism, Misogyny [video] (newsInworld, 9 Oct. 2012), http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfo3SGIiSE0, accessed 10 Dec. 2012. Author, ‘Title of speech’, speech in the House of Lords, date, URL, access date. Lord Bilimoria, ‘Minority Ethnic and Religious Communities: Cultural and Economic Contribution – Motion to Take Note’, speech in the House of Lords, 24 May 2012, http://www.theyworkforyou.com/lords/?gid=2012-05-24a.865.2, accessed 10 Dec. 2012. |
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Bible: Chapter name chapter number: verse number Isaiah 6: 9 Koran: Sūra number, v. number Sūra 19, v. 12 |
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Author (if stated), Title of speech, (Date transcript published), URL, paragraph, access date. Transcript of Julia Gillard’s Speech, (9 Oct. 2012), http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/transcript-of-julia-gillards-speech-20121010-27c36.html, 7, accessed 10 Dec. 2012. Author, Title of speech, Date speech delivered, URL, page extent, access date. Paul Keating, Redfern Speech: Year of the World’s Indigenous People, 10 Dec. 1992, http://www.keating.org.au/persistent/catalogue_files/products/19921210redfernspeech.pdf, 5, accessed 10 Dec. 2012. |
Bibliography |
Author, Title of speech, Date speech delivered, URL, access date. Keating, Paul, Redfern Speech: Year of the World’s Indigenous People, 10 Dec. 1992, http://www.keating.org.au/persistent/catalogue_files/products/19921210redfernspeech.pdf, accessed 10 Dec. 2012. Author (if stated), Title of speech, (Date transcript published), URL, paragraph, access date. Transcript of Julia Gillard’s Speech, (9 Oct. 2012), http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/political-news/transcript-of-julia-gillards-speech-20121010-27c36.html, accessed 10 Dec. 2012. |
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